Example sentences of "[adv] too clearly that " in BNC.

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1 Yet many of the teachers we interviewed , far from being unaware of this risk , perceived only too clearly that it was inherent to the LEA 's preferred combination of group work and multiple curriculum focus teaching .
2 Dana did n't need her care — on the contrary , she showed only too clearly that she resented her twin 's interference .
3 But he had her between a rock and a hard place , and the look in his eyes told her only too clearly that he knew it .
4 His decision was taken , and the orders sent out for the triple muster , yet even after news from the northern border confirmed only too clearly that Scotland intended to take a full part in the harrying of his realm , he was slow to move .
5 This game was a little disheartening , not so much because of the disciplinary problem , but because it showed all too clearly that few if any of them were actually listening to what I was saying .
6 Jessamy found herself staring at the powerful set of his shoulders , and remembered all too clearly that the aura of power was n't just an illusion .
7 They can calculate all too clearly that the average value of sterling has fallen 17.5 per cent , ( and over 25 per cent against the dollar ) since September , and the price of fuel and raw materials for industry has so far risen by just over 10 per cent , while retail prices have actually fallen .
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