Example sentences of "[adv] only a matter " in BNC.

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1 Soon after , perhaps only a matter of weeks , they are dead , or dwindling rapidly in size as they absorb their own body fats .
2 I had just taken up my position behind the till of the kitchen gadget department and the store had been open only a matter of minutes when my first customer literally ran into view .
3 What is believed to happen ( and plate tectonics is still only a matter of intelligent conjecture , not amenable to the kind of proof most sciences demand ) is that the Pacific Plate , being composed of heavier , oceanic rocks hits the Continental Plate and is forced down beneath it — ‘ subducted ’ , and propelled hundreds of kilometres downwards , towards the region of the mantle where it melts and becomes the stuff of volcanoes once again .
4 A characteristic feature of the placebo effect is that it does not last all that long : it is usually only a matter of weeks , and two to six months is about the most that can be expected : If a patient responds to a new treatment and is still well after a year , it is unlikely to be a placebo effect .
5 ' But to book-collectors publication in parts is usually only a matter of much interest with such fiction writers as Dickens , whose Pickwick Papers ( to give them their familiar short title ) established a great new vogue in 1836–37 .
6 As things stand , it is probably only a matter of time before the site finds itself in the hands of property speculators , a sad fate for what was one of the largest mills on the Painswick Stream .
7 Although strategies to overcome problems with chimaeric YACs and marker-poor regions are still being worked out , it is clearly only a matter of time before a combined version of the two maps will be available to guide efforts to sequence the human genome .
8 It was really only a matter of time before a label as enterprising as Marco Polo got round to unearthing Max von Schillings ( 1868–1933 ) .
9 The story of the twins was well known in Fleet Street and it was really only a matter of hours , or at best days , before a newspaper decided to cash in on it .
10 For both the seller and the buyer the question of who pays the costs of delivery is really only a matter related to the negotiation of the price .
11 I will not go into the extreme technicality of the proposed constitution since it is now only a matter for constitutional historians .
12 This view was echoed by a BBC director general , Alasdair Milne , who remarked that the prescriptions for broadcasting set out in previous eras — even only a matter of a decade or so ago — were of little value in a rapidly changing social and political environment .
13 It is surely only a matter of time before a tray falls from his hands on to a lady or gentleman 's lap .
14 With the merchandising machine grinding into production , 100,000 T-shirts already selling every week , along with video games , mugs and comic books , it 's surely only a matter of time before the simple-minded feline Stimpy and the maniacal chihuahua Ren make their debut on our shores .
15 IF THE life stories of Billie Holliday , Loretta Lynn and Pasty Cline were interesting enough to inspire major Hollywood movies , it 's surely only a matter of time before the Dinah Washington biopic arrives .
16 It was surely only a matter of writing a letter or making a phone call .
17 ‘ My courtship of your grand-daughter is then only a matter of form , ’ he said .
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