Example sentences of "[adv] been found to " in BNC.

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1 Tiny Andrew Morrison , who was born nine weeks early at the Countess of Chester Hospital , is among 481 children treated by a junior doctor who has since been found to be suffering from TB .
2 For day to day purposes a knowledge of the following has generally been found to be useful to practising managers :
3 Empirically , the assumption of constant interest rates has usually been found to be an acceptable approximation .
4 ( The asbestos had been built into the carriages to act as sound and heat insulation , but had of course later been found to be a health hazard . )
5 In your advert give the name of the person to whom the reply is to be made since this has also been found to be a positive factor in encouraging people to reply .
6 It has also been found to be a source of one of the major ingredients of the contraceptive pill .
7 Recently some migrant African and Chinese populations have also been found to be susceptible to non-insulin dependent diabetes , and people of European origin might be the only true ‘ low susceptibility ’ group .
8 Sleep-deprived subjects have similarly been found to be easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli in a card-sorting task , again demonstrating a failure to maintain focused attention on the job in hand .
9 Even if the contribution of bronchial asthma to cause of death is interpreted generously — for example , part I of the death certificate states death from asthma and part II states chronic obstructive airways disease — only 63 of 100 deaths have so far been found to be attributable to asthma .
10 However , staphylokinase has now been found to be more potent than streptokinase for the dissolution of platelet-rich arterial eversion graft thrombi ; moreover , it seems to be less immunogenic .
11 The distribution of price changes or returns has often been found to be leptokurtic .
12 Instead , Sisson maintains that the real reason is that in Britain multi-employer bargaining has increasingly been found to be incapable of performing what employers regard as its major function , namely the neutralisation of the workplace from the activities of trade unions .
13 Though Cognitive–Behavioural Marital Therapy has consistently been found to be as or more effective than any other type of marital therapy , nevertheless in terms of the proportion of clients that actually improve , the results are quite modest .
14 The prevalence of H pylori in gastric ulcer disease varies more widely , but has most consistently been found to be around 70% .
15 This last task , in fact , had earlier been found to be performed better by the left hand of neurologically intact right and left handers ( Kimura and Vanderwolf 1970 ) .
16 However , the same has again been found to be true of some normal schizotypal individuals and , notably , the genetically related children of schizophrenics .
17 Raccoons no longer trapped for their fur , have invaded suburbia around Washington and a few have recently been found to be rabid .
18 A further generalization of this solution was attempted by Halil ( 1979 ) , but this has subsequently been found to be incorrect and so will not be considered here .
19 Tc-99m hexamethyl propylene amine oxime ( HMPAO ) has recently been introduced for regional cerebral blood flow imaging , but has subsequently been found to selectively label granulocytes in mixed leucocyte suspensions .
20 Tumour-suppressor genes have been implicated in an increasing number of solid cancers , and some of these genes have subsequently been found to be inactivated in haematological malignancies .
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