Example sentences of "[adv] at [adj] times " in BNC.

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1 However , if one shift performs better ( and ‘ better ’ might refer to the quality or quantity — or both — of product that is made ) is it because it consists of more conscientious workers ; their conditions of working are better , or they have less distraction ; they are supervised more closely and the conveyor belt moves faster ; or their body clock enables them to work better at some times of the day than others ?
2 They did n't bother much at other times unless asked , and then they often had to think twice .
3 Every office in the country should be scheduled to receive flowers from charming old gentlemen at least once a week , and especially at busy times when carping is usually at fever pitch .
4 At Collington Chapel Lane is closed until Friday cos they 're putting a new sewer in there and traffic 's being diverted there along Main Street and at Totton there 's roadworks on Nottingham Road at the junction with Attenborough Lane delays likely there especially at busy times that 'll do us for now we 'll update the traffic for you again in half an hours time .
5 Perhaps at such times there is an opportunity for a general biological and genetic reorientation ?
6 A family might earn from spinning as much as 4s ( 20p ) a week in the days before the mill , but that only at favourable times of the family cycle when two or perhaps three children were working as well as the mother .
7 Then it stays in the burrow alone , visited only at feeding times , for nearly two months .
8 Facilities for homeless people are of course open only at certain times of the day and I had n't the money to go anywhere else .
9 Many animals , from sheep to starlings , breed only at certain times of year — again depending on day length .
10 This is because astronomical observations using the hardware can take place only at certain times of the year .
11 That only at certain times you can see them ?
12 For example , metal contamination is sometimes found in bore-hole water only at certain times in the year , possibly because of changes in the ground-water level , and normal sampling may show negative results for most of the remainder of the time .
13 There are numbers of rooms that an individual can not enter at all , or only at certain times , for reasons of status , sex , or even age .
14 And perhaps only at certain times of the year , especially in agricultural communities .
15 All these measures will save fuel and many thermostats can also be used in conjunction with a programmer to bring the hot water heating on only at certain times of the day .
16 The argument rests in part on the pervasive nature of deixis ( see Chapter 2 below ) in natural languages , for sentences like ( II ) are true or false only relative to contextual parameters , thanks to the fact that I , now and the tense of am are variables given specific values only on particular occasions of utterance ( i.e. ( II ) is true only when spoken by certain speakers , those who are sixty-three , or true of individuals only at certain times , when they are sixty-three ) : ( 11 ) I am now sixty-three years old These facts seem to establish that truth conditions must be assigned to utterances , i.e. sentences with their associated contexts of utterance , not to sentences alone ( or , if one likes , truth conditions include context conditions ) .
17 where the plaintiff was bitten by a bitch with pups , he would still presumably succeed , since the ‘ normal ’ bitch is aggressive only at such times .
18 Also , to see as much of the main palace as possible it is necessary to take several guided tours ( such as for Madame du Barry 's apartments , Madame de Maintenon 's suite , and the King 's private apartments ) which are often available only at awkward times on specific days .
19 Only at these times did any sub-divisions within the Rowdies group become apparent .
20 A Swiss Bishop had heard about the project and suggested a plan which is essentially still followed in international meetings : i.e. that representatives of all Eucharist-centred endeavours and activities throughout the world should come together at certain times .
21 Being so conditioned to being together at all times , even after some Girls moved out they returned every day to play cards .
22 Ankles remain together at all times and feet should be over the knees .
23 Months ago they were passing strangers , chucked together at check-in times .
24 These households were not necessarily based on a home ashore at all times .
25 During the life-cycle of the family it was easier to maintain a home ashore at some times than at others .
26 In these experiments , the rats learn the new trick best at those times when they remember the old trick least well : it is as if a rat can learn a new trick more easily when its memory is not muddling it with the memory of the old trick .
27 The only sure method of avoiding capture , she tells me , is to walk backwards at all times , flicking every particle of dust from every footprint into the dustpan as you go .
28 Things get uncovered that you ca n't see easily at other times . ’
29 Their only child lived in a manor house in Wiltshire and rarely visited , although she telephoned frequently , usually at inconvenient times .
30 We are concerned if we perform badly or dangerously at some times and the effects of poor performance will also be of interest to managers and the general public .
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