Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] together " in BNC.

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1 We all travel together , eat together and stay together .
2 We 've just got to pull ourselves together and stick together and we can pull out of this .
3 And and receiving together and eating together .
4 I must say when I read that in 's letter , I did n't read that specific erm comment , I read something , something much much wider really , that , that really I felt that what she was saying was you know that when , when there is a group , then readers er musicians , everybody else reflect together and come together before they actually , you know , they do n't all operate the same but they come together and they reflect together on what the , the theme is , or you know , what was the main point of the readings .
5 Not enclosing any part into a particular hand , but all as one man , working together and feeding together as sons of one father , members of one family …
6 It accounts for Paul 's repeated call to the Christians at Philippi to pull together and stand together ( Phil .
7 ‘ Not for a measly fifty , ’ William laughs , as he and Andy pull together and draw together , tottering on the seat while Andy throws the emptied bottle to someone in the crowd and is handed another full magnum by his partner in The Gadget Shop , a fellow ex-ad-man who 's a few years older than Andy .
8 People live together and work together .
9 On the more unhappy subject of Northern Ireland , in the light of the appalling horrors which last night added to the seemingly endless litany of tragedy in that unhappy Province , does the Prime Minister agree that the first condition for defeating terrorism in Northern Ireland is to ensure that the politicians there get together and work together ?
10 ‘ Probably the most important thing was being able to bring together and keep together a strong collection of people at all levels .
11 They often occupied , with their apprentices and families , the same area in a town , worshipped together and dined together on important occasions .
12 Where is the true blood-bought fellowship of brothers and sisters who live together and share together as a family to whom the despairing may turn ?
13 They signed up for the same courses and joined the same societies ; they sat together in seminars and went together to the National Film Theatre ; they had sex together and moved together into a one-roomed flat in their second year .
14 And the other thing that 's happened of course , is that the tw , the , the indoor and the outdoor have had to start spending more time working together and think together , and indeed being measured together , because you 're now measured as a team are n't you ?
15 In recent years the habit of the All Blacks leaving together and returning together after a trip to Europe has disappeared .
16 Brearley stayed for a while but , after Steele failed , Edrich and Close , two experienced old soldiers , came together and stayed together .
17 They like to walk together and to fish together .
18 In silence , Alexandra and Lyddy turned away and fumbled together in a dark corner .
19 They went around the world with backpacks and no money , and they left home and lived together without getting married , and many of them became superstars when they were still only in their teens .
20 He used three of them for Tessa , the legs of one pair tying her ankles to the chair legs , her hands pulled behind and tied together with the second pair .
21 Plait strips loosely together then overlap the ends as before and slipstitch together .
22 Jason the instructor says they made out very well and worked together well as a team …
23 All throughout 1991 , they were to travel abroad and work together .
24 Cut the cake in half horizontally and sandwich together again with the chocolate buttercream .
25 Split the cake in half horizontally and sandwich together again with some of the buttercream .
26 The Millwall brick , for example , was a newspaper folded again and again and squashed together to form a cosh .
27 The free volume concept has been touched on in previous sections but it is instructive now to consider this idea more closely and to draw together the various points alluded to earlier .
28 Then it has to decide if it actually wants to shrink-wrap the stuff , and finally whether to go ahead and put together a marketing and distribution effort for the completed product .
29 It may help to place your hands with your fingertips together on your stomach — make sure each time you breathe in your fingertips come apart and come together as your breathe out .
30 These are for the learner to use , to handle , take apart and put together again .
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