Example sentences of "[adv] the thing is " in BNC.

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1 Basically the thing is not working as it should , the outputs are not as they should be so he will probably begin by checking that the inputs are present , that is the electric power or fuel or other materials are available .
2 So the thing is , sometimes you just do n't eat .
3 So the thing is with all financial planning that you try and keep things very flexible .
4 Right so the thing is if we talk about what you 've read and then The idea is that if there 's anything out of you 've read that 's given you an idea for an essay then you can do that .
5 So the thing is
6 So the thing is , if he , inconsistent in that story , if he 's doing that , that direction how did he get shot from that way , where he 's own telling stories apparently coming from ?
7 See if there 's any di cos I mean they 've done all the thing be before , so the thing is as up to the noo , they want to see if there 's any
8 So the thing is that the erm , at Rolling Stone we actually called the paste-up people .
9 The only the thing is there do , erm there 's a parking light on Brian 's
10 Just the Thing is we get so much crap through the post right , that er
11 Doing it tidily is always the thing is n't it ?
12 Now the thing is , you 'll see in a moment there' some lorries .
13 But erm most of the things that you will be de now the thing is about properties , that if you 've got a second property for example , or erm you know that 's not your primary residence , you would be liable to capital gain on a disposal , so if you 'd bought the house for ten thousand and you sold it five years later for twenty , then the gain er on that would be the twenty er the ten thousand that you 'd gained , less any indexation from nineteen eighty two , and they would then er er look at that as an allowance to use against it .
14 Well , now the thing is , right what I 've thought might be like a good thing , er cos we all like entertainments , is like if Riot Girl were to become a society ,
15 Now the thing is we , we can refer to sight and touch and hearing , but we do n't refer to the sense of smell just as smell , in modern English .
16 What I , what er , I in fact , what , what I did notice in that time that I was there , was that er , when you talk about the old guard , the young people , anybody under forty er they were a little bit cynical about this communism lark and Lenin and the rest of it , they all went to say , they would all go to Lenin 's er statue and in effect have a blessing from Lenin , we went along with them on one occasion , very pleased to do it , but you you got the impression that the younger generation were already in 1982 and the people now that are out there with Yeltsin were shying away from communism , now the thing is this that Gorbachev came along in my opinion exactly at the right time and tried to move things a little our way a little way from the hardline , which obviously could n't be sustained .
17 Yes well the thing is that the erm we feel
18 Well the thing is , the interesting thing about this is of course is what we 're actually dealing with is not erm well in a sense er not , not erm your actual preference , which according to the erm theory is unchangeable .
19 Well the thing is after a while when you 've done quite a few it comes it comes fairly easy , and you can do it in your head .
20 Erm , well the thing is that I still erm , in the process of doing research and reading and gathering a
21 Well the thing is that you know erm somebody 's got no hair they think , a lot of this the problem revolve round the baldness , and er they have n't come to term with it .
22 Well the thing is Howard , I do n't think you 'd have got very far if you had n't understood how we put the boat together and so I think it 's important that we look now into more detail at how to rig the Topper .
23 Well the thing is you see I think wha from what I 've gathered on from the radio programme is that the actual erm the attitude of the kids to the metro had got so much worse that they 're having to do something about it
24 Yeah well the thing is that something 's got ta shift because we 've got we 've got all these bloody flights going out the same time
25 Well the thing is if , if , if at that meeting you do n't say what is gon na happen at the second meeting
26 Mm , well the thing is there 's some similar conversation going on in
27 Well the thing is , she 's got nobody to talk to there you see , she 's in this little four bedder
28 Well the thing is you probably would n't have a day would you ?
29 Well the thing is you 've got ta do the ones that you see in person have n't you ?
30 Well the thing is give some mum .
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