Example sentences of "[adv] convinced that they " in BNC.

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1 A spokesman for Norwich police said : ‘ Papers were found on them , but we are not entirely convinced that they are genuine .
2 It is understood that the Bank of England backed higher rates to protect the pound but was less convinced that they needed to be raised to cool down the economy any further .
3 I was just convinced that they , whoever they were , would never find me .
4 Since the construction of these tests is on scientific principles , then everyone will accept , as some law of nature , that large numbers of children and adults are failed and excluded , and thus convinced that they can not learn anything valued by the education system .
5 At some stages in their lives children are quite convinced that they have magical powers and often after a tussle about bedtime or a rejected request to watch a TV programme will ‘ wish ’ that the irritating adult would vanish .
6 ‘ Although we have no mandate to talk for Scottish fishermen we are quite convinced that they too would want to continue exporting large amounts of herring to your country . ’
7 Yes , but the churches are quite convinced that they have got the Tigre People 's Liberation Front 's agreement to it , and that there will be no harassment from their side .
8 However , in the latter days of steam , maintenance workers while near or inside the tunnel were absolutely convinced that they heard the sound of an approaching train .
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