Example sentences of "[adv] bigger [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I kissed her for the last time as she lay in her hospital bed : the bedclothes were crisp and undisturbed , and she looked very clean , just as she would have wanted to ; and very small , because she was so old , and having started life none too big had ended up , at the age of ninety-one , not much bigger than a child .
2 This is a very compact plane , not much bigger than a smoothing plane , weighing in at 1.6kg .
3 It was not much bigger than a good-sized clothes cupboard and there was one small window in the back wall with a sink under the window , but there were no taps over the sink .
4 Her papoose — not much bigger than a child of ten or twelve , so insubstantial had Sycorax become — was slid into the shaft feet first , so that Sycorax 's head was nearest to the surface of the ground , slightly tilted so that she would face upwards in death , her mouth near the earth and the living who walked on it .
5 A sphere of hard solid rubber not much bigger than a golf ball and jammed like a cork in the pharynx , effectively blocking the trachea , I scrabbled feverishly at the wet smoothness but there was nothing to get bold of .
6 He could also see the driver of the sledge-a huge figure , much bigger than a man .
7 ‘ He was huge , much bigger than a man .
8 Intel 80486DX 33MHz , 200Mb hard disk , and 4Mb of RAM in a package not much bigger than an 750g corn flake packet .
9 Airbus will anyway soon be passing the hat around again for an enormous 700-seat aeroplane , much bigger than the Boeing 747 .
10 Put this at the bottom of a deep casserole , which must not be much bigger than the piece of meat , which you should then put in with the calf 's foot on top .
11 In good old Blighty , however , we knew a big story when we saw one , and they do n't get much bigger than the size of the Universe .
12 Singapore is not much bigger than the Isle of Wight , it has no natural resources and its population only numbers 3m .
13 It has to tell the world openly that the mid-range machine is its chosen contender as the central repository for the 21st century , and above all make convincing its commitment to the AS/400 by rushing out top end machines that are much bigger than the present top model while instituting a crash programme to slash the costs of manufacture — and then slash them again , work out how to make money out of the machine while charging much less for the software — and making all the remaining System 36 users an offer they ca n't refuse to convert to the AS/400 , even if every sale to that base is a dead loss to IBM .
14 ‘ They do n't come much bigger than the Ashes .
15 Since the working class remains much bigger than the middle class , a small proportion of manual sons provides sufficient numbers to fill many of the higher-level vacancies .
16 Downstairs what he ( he would ) called ‘ the lounge ’ is a beautiful room , much bigger than the other rooms , peculiarly square , you do n't expect it , with one huge crossbeam supported on three uprights in the middle of the room , and other crossbeams and nooks and delicious angles an architect would n't think of once in a thousand years .
17 It was much bigger than the old piano in the classroom .
18 This school looked so much bigger than the other two primary schools that I had been to .
19 On the buzzer I rolled over quite a large flathead , but it missed , and that was a fish much bigger than the flatheads both Kate and Ben were catching with great rapidity on fish portions .
20 The explosion , much bigger than the ones in the holes , and with almost nothing to muffle it , cracked across the dunes like a whip , setting my ears ringing and making even me jump a bit .
21 They come from a brewery not much bigger than the average garden shed.And , as Clare Lafferty reports , the head brewer is also the pub landlord .
22 The total increase in national income ( ) will clearly be much bigger than the initial increase in investment spending .
23 One of the girls was much bigger than the other but neither survived the first hour in their new world .
24 But I just wanted to see what it had downstairs , it was typically new , it 's a , a lounge not much bigger than the one we 've got now erm in fact I think the lounge and the dining room area was probably a little bit smaller
25 Now , designing systems like that requires computers with big memories , much , much bigger than the ones that you can buy in your shop round the corner at the moment , and the programs are quite complicated , it 's quite difficult to do this sort of thing , but in principle there 's no reason why it should n't happen , and that would make computers much easier to learn to use .
26 It might be much bigger if the drug could be used to prevent , as opposed to treat , prostate cancer .
27 Every man , woman , and child in the country would own about 100 of them , but garaging them would be no problem as each car would be little bigger than a matchbox .
28 The lift was a little bigger than a phone box .
29 First he handed over a bundle of Russian paper money that was little bigger than a wad of visiting cards , and some coins jangled .
30 Usually the false eye is a little bigger than the real one , tipping the odds slightly in favour of the prey .
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