Example sentences of "[adv] responsible for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The family is no longer entirely responsible for learning experiences during the pre-school years .
2 Fortunately Alejandro was concentrating on Ricky , boasting that every pony in the yard had been entirely responsible for clinching last year 's Argentine Open .
3 Under the policy we are only responsible for providing a replacement item and are not responsible for supplying matching items .
4 Under the policy we are only responsible for providing a replacement item and are not responsible for supplying matching items .
5 And she used to sleep in and then a little bit after that she went to live in Liverpool with my grandmother and went to work there so s I I s I was the sort of erm eldest one at home then you know so I felt as if I was more or less responsible for looking after my mam sort of thing .
6 The Accounting Standards Board is obviously responsible for setting accounting standards and took over all the extant SSAPs from the Accounting Standards Committee .
7 It is easy to make him look personally responsible for setting the process in train and bringing it to fruition .
8 Prof Wilkie has been involved in constructing several widely-used indices and tables , and was personally responsible for constructing the series of fixed interest indices for British government stocks , index-linked stocks and company debentures .
9 We are , each of us , personally responsible for damaging our environment .
10 But his office issued a decree he had signed on Monday containing a strong warning to all regional government officials that he would hold them personally responsible for obeying his orders .
11 Nicholas II , so the argument runs , was personally responsible for failing to exercise either of two options open to the regime .
12 ( c ) Undertakings When giving an undertaking , remember that unless you make the contrary very clear you will be personally responsible for carrying out its terms if your client fails to do so — see the pronouncements of the Law Society published in the Law Society 's Gazette at various times over the years .
13 He is held personally responsible for complying with the many rules and regulations that govern its use .
14 Like the sole trader , the partners are personally responsible for paying off any debts the shop may incur .
15 ‘ So before we go any further , could I just state that I am not personally responsible for burning any witches at the stake . ’
16 The wider system is generally responsible for allocating the resources of people , equipment , facilities , including the design of the calm forms which are used to complete the procedure within each section ; setting the rules governing the eligibility of individuals for certain expenses ; and exercising control over the procedure in the widest sense .
17 He gave the pope an account of the evidence that had been brought forward , giving first place , and by far the greatest amount of space , to the testimony of Bede 's Ecclesiastical History , which showed that the archbishops of Canterbury , acting on the authority of Pope Gregory I and his successors , had exercised general authority over the whole of the British Isles during the first hundred and forty years of its existence : they had consecrated bishops for all parts of the country , summoned councils , deposed unworthy bishops , and had been generally responsible for spreading Catholic discipline into Wales and Scotland .
18 In 1917 the Association was largely responsible for convincing the Board of the need for a Departmental Committee to investigate the state of the teaching of English in England , and to propose plans for future developments .
19 Giardini of course shared his countrymen 's disdain for the German interloper J. C. Bach , who had already achieved modest successes on the London stage : in July 1763 he wrote that Bach had departed to ‘ great regrets and lamentations , but easily dried up without a great handkerchief ’ In the end London had to make do with Vento , who was largely responsible for stitching up patchwork operas from assorted numbers that Leone also helped to collect on his travels .
20 It was largely responsible for defining the business-oriented Cobol computer language .
21 Krebs was largely responsible for promoting B-7 and B-5 , in the US .
22 Guinness around the world , part three : these three girls are largely responsible for promoting Guinness in the south-east Asian country of Vietnam , where Foreign Extra Stout was introduced last year .
23 He held the same office under Richard III ( apart from a few months when it was held by the duke of Buckingham ) and as the main financial officer in south Wales was largely responsible for funding royal servants such as Tyrell and Richard Newton .
24 He held the same office under Richard III ( apart from a few months when it was held by the duke of Buckingham ) and as the main financial officer in south Wales was largely responsible for funding royal servants such as Tyrell and Richard Newton .
25 He was largely responsible for organising the supply of machinery and equipment to be fitted in the bare hulls to be built in the yards of British Columbia — an industry which proved to be of vital importance during the Second World War .
26 But the report missed the fact that the republicans , through the Wolfe Tone Societies , had been largely responsible for creating NICRA in the first place and some commentators have accused Cameron of naïveté about republican influence .
27 As this portrait indicates , Margaret Massingberd was largely responsible for creating much of the garden areas as they still exist today .
28 Since the state was largely responsible for initiating and paying for mass education , it was able to establish greater control over teachers .
29 Together with a French master mason , Alan Maynard , he was largely responsible for remodelling the exterior of the house , and for much internal detail ; in both cases the design , as well as the execution , was probably due to them .
30 ‘ Farrar was the first real researcher into the history of teaching the deaf , and unearthed many previously unknown items of literature about the deaf and was largely responsible for building up Oxley 's Library of the Deaf ( this Library was largely fragmented after Oxley 's death , and many rare articles and books disappeared ) .
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