Example sentences of "[adv] expected [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The increases were widely expected after the abolition of tax on new car purchases in last year 's Autumn Statement but were nonetheless condemned by the Automobile Association and the Royal Automobile Club .
2 Mr Kinnock is not obliged to include Mr McNamara in his first Cabinet but it is widely expected in the province that the Liverpool-born Roman Catholic would assume the portfolio that he has shadowed for more than five years .
3 It is not intended to provide the detail that is rightly expected by the local communities who live and work in close proximity to our operations , and which we provide through locally published reports .
4 Yet rehabilitation was only expected for a minority about 25 per cent — of all the children in the study .
5 ‘ On that terrible night he showed devotion to duty at a level not only expected by the London Fire Brigade and the public , but well beyond it . ’
6 The increases were generally expected by the industry , which knew Mr Lamont needed to recoup money he lost by scrapping the special car tax which until last year added ten per cent to the price of a new vehicle .
7 1.6 The assessment framework adopted by the Government requires that : ( a ) attainment targets are set for the knowledge , skills , and understanding normally expected at the ages of 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 ; ( b ) pupils ' performances in relation to attainment targets should be assessed and reported on at ages 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 .
8 attainment targets are set for the knowledge , skills and understanding normally expected at the ages of 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 ;
9 The Independent , still at 45p , has put on sales this week , but circulation manager Brian Hutt said they were not as high as he would have normally expected in a week when many people were returning from holiday .
10 It incorporates all the functions normally expected in an electronic organiser , including diary , clock , alarm , notepad and address book .
11 That 's the kind of faithful reliability that Mercedes owners talk about , but it 's hardly expected from a car like the Sierra .
12 Once expected by the end of last year , and the subject of technology demonstrations earlier this year , the exact scope of CICS/6000 is still not clear , but it is expected to include a number of technology elements from other vendors , including MicroFocus Cobol , parts of the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment ( DCE ) technology , and Transarc Corp 's Encina transaction processing software , developed with IBM 's backing .
13 The receipts for carriage of timber have formed an important proportion of the revenue on the part of the line already opened , and a larger traffic may be confidently expected from the other part .
14 Sharp exchanges were also expected between the presidents of El Salvador and Nicaragua , Mr Alfredo Cristiani and Mr Daniel Ortega , over the missiles affair .
15 Sharp exchanges were also expected between the presidents of El Salvador and Nicaragua , Mr Alfredo Cristiani and Mr Daniel Ortega , over the missiles affair .
16 This was also expected as a learned mechanism did not adhere with either hypothesis .
17 Sharp increases are also expected during the 1990s in Europe 's use of motor vehicles , fertilisers and water .
18 Indeed , it says it 's working on an Asynchronous Transfer Mode SBus adaptor board , also expected by the end of the year , for use in Sparcsystem 1 , 2 , and 10 workstations : occupying a single SBus slot , it will support the Local SONET Synchronous Optical Network 155Mbps Physical Layer as defined by the Asynchronous Transfer Mode Forum .
19 Silicon for a 75Mhz R4000 microprocessor , the R4000A , is also expected by the end of October , according to Andy Keane , microprocessor manager at SGI 's MIPS Technologies unit .
20 A broad range of non-classroom experience is also expected from the student .
21 Also expected in the 68000 complex instruction set family of microprocessors is a 250 to 350 MIPS 68080 due by 1995 and an 800 MIPS — probably the 68100 — by the year 2000 .
22 The really important provision is s 3(2) ( b ) ( i ) , restricting exclusion of liability to perform what is reasonably expected of the party concerned under the contract .
23 The crucial question under s3(2) ( b ) is what was the performance reasonably expected of the proferens ?
24 Unisys does n't regret its decision to eschew RISC and stick with Intel , and is making sure its products are enabled for multiple levels of Intel chips , including the P6 , now expected at the end of next year .
25 Preparations are in hand to communicate to staff the details of the Government 's Review of the nuclear industry , of which terms of reference are now expected at the end of September .
26 The Patient 's Charter sets out clearly what is now expected from the NHS .
27 Many of the features of effective special education , such as individual programmes and the management of a wide variety of learning rates and styles , are now expected in the mainstream of education and training — for example , work in the Teaching and Vocational Educational Initiative .
28 Viking fits Sparc international 's current edition of the Sparc Compliance Definition — Cypress says it 'll also meet the requirements of SCD 9.0 , now expected in the third or fourth quarter , which will outline a set of parameters for 64-bit Sparc systems ( UX No 380 ) .
29 Aries is pitching Marixx DS against Sun 's overdue 45MHz and 50MHz Sparcstation 10s , which are now expected around the end of the second quarter .
30 Tough , fit , not in the least prone to injury and highly consistent in his performances , Cross was the epitome of the ideal player , and he was versatile too , in a time when this was not really expected of a footballer , for he moved across to right-back after the signing of Scotsman Bobby Orr , who much preferred to play at number three , in 1927 .
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