Example sentences of "[adv] let he [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ T-t-two s-sevens are f-f-fourteen , ’ gasped Rupert , whereupon the Trunchbull , true to her word , opened her hand and quite literally let him go .
2 Only let him reach Eretz ; Palestine was his star of hope , his refuge .
3 Only let him reach Eretz .
4 Only let him reach Eretz .
5 If he wants you to go , then you 'll go , and if he does n't , you wo n't , so let him show you he 's in control . ’
6 So let him talk for himself if he had anything to say .
7 Well , he was paying so let him get on with it in his peculiar way .
8 It 's as simple as that , he 's showing interest so let him have it if he wants it .
9 When they eventually let him go , he paused and spat deliberately , sideways into the grass .
10 All right let him do it .
11 Bathsheba could say no more , and weakly let him put it on her finger .
12 ‘ Fifty quid if you just let him go ! ’
13 And I was n't a sheeplike person you see , I did n't follow him I just let him go .
14 Just let him mention sight-seeing tomorrow , that was all !
15 Because he was a pal of mine he just let him have it and
16 Just let him try . ’
17 Just let him try , she thought fiercely !
18 ‘ We just let him use whatever dyes he liked and send us whatever he ended up with . ’
19 ‘ I read that Malcolm had a plan , so I just let him get on with it .
20 Who not just let him enjoy himself ? "
21 We 're sticking to our original plan , and they 'll have to accept it , although I sometimes think that , if we knew we were about to die , I 'd rather post Oliver through the nearest letter-box and just let him take pot luck .
22 If you kick a child all his schooldays , force him to labour sixteen hours a day seven days a week , yank out his teeth with forceps when they ache , bleed him when he is ill , beat him throughout his apprenticeship , starve him when he falls on bad times , and finally let him die in the workhouse when he ages prematurely , then you have educated a man , in the best way possible , to be indifferent .
23 You always let him get away things !
24 Please let him go !
25 Please let him go at once .
26 If it will be useful for Dr Watson to hear what I have to say , please let him stay and listen . ’
27 Let him come back , oh , please let him come back !
28 Yeah please let him read them out .
29 Meanwhile if you have any special requests or suggestions , please let him know as soon as possible .
30 ‘ Oh , let him die , please let him die . ’
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