Example sentences of "[adv] little [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 However , although the UK government and others have a variety of policies designed to encourage and stimulate innovation , rather little has been done to assess the effectiveness of these measures , or to consider them in a broader context of structural change and adjustment in a mature industrial economy .
2 In two decades remarkably little has been done to alleviate the conditions of some of the poorest city citizens , who personified the unacceptable face of the urban crisis , even if the terms of the debate itself have changed dramatically .
3 Much has been written about the subject in terms of the various packages , both actually available and merely promised , but remarkably little has been conveyed about their actual usefulness for the businessman .
4 The ‘ state of the art ’ of soil conservation is clearly in a sorry mess : ‘ The need for soil conservation was emphasised by Bennett ( 1955 ) , Jacks and Whyte ( 1939 ) and many others … but so little has been achieved that most recent reports … are virtually undistinguishable in factual content and sentiment from the earlier studies . ’
5 So little has been heard from Steve Chen 's Supercomputer Systems Inc in the past couple of years that people have been wondering if the company still existed .
6 It is ludicrous that so little has been put into it hitherto .
7 I am dismayed that so little has been done to decentralise , when so many other EC countries have clearly felt the benefits , both economic and political , of taking the decentralised route .
8 If the wrong agreed on itself amounts to a tort against the plaintiff perhaps little has been lost by the restriction of conspiracy , for the combination must be carried into effect to cause damage and then the substantive tort is committed .
9 Painfully little has been done specifically to tackle car crime , which is a major aspect of youth crime .
10 Although comparatively little has been written about the professions in the UK there are those who see these occupations in the same altruistic light .
11 IN ALL the ballyhoo over Durham becoming the 18th first-class county , strangely little has been offered in respect of their chances of actually winning something .
12 Surprisingly little has been done on identifying the needs of managers .
13 However , I am not convinced that the most relevant biochemical questions have yet been asked , partly at least because so much attention has been devoted to the intimate synaptic processes involved in the initiation of LTP that surprisingly little has been directed towards what seems to me most interesting about it — the very long-term nature of the phenomenon .
14 So far relatively little has been written about the use of review meetings or family meetings in work with elderly people , although their value in practice is increasingly being recognised .
15 In Britain , archaeology has thrown a great deal of light on the Dark Ages : but British students , when they turn to the ninth-century Continent , are in for a disappointment , for relatively little has been done .
16 Noting that despite the evidence of academic and government reports , which had pointed to widespread discrimination against young blacks , very little had been done to remedy the position , Scarman concluded that : ( a ) many young blacks believed that violence was an effective means of protest against their conditions ; and ( b ) far from the riots being a meaningless event , they were ‘ essentially an outburst of anger and resentment by young black people against the police ’ ( Scarman , 1981 , paras .
17 The difference between the early days and 1976 was that cars were going a lot faster — Lauda himself had been the first to break the magical seven-minute lap in 1975 — and that very little had been done to make the track safer .
18 Very little had been used .
19 In fact , outside the Europe of the Six very little had been achieved and very little interest had been displayed in integration and cooperation beyond the all-European organisations that had been set up at the end of the previous decade .
20 Consumers rapidly became aware that they had paid a low price because very little had been invested by manufacturers to ensure durability , integrity of the wordlist or good functionality as far as the software was concerned .
21 When Hale came to survey the law of rape in the seventeenth century , he was confronted by centuries in which very little had been said about the matter .
22 Very little has been said about the boom in modern prints .
23 In this chapter I shall write only about women in the last group and their position in the British labour market since very little has been written about them .
24 Over the past few years I have read a great deal of specifically Christian literature in the field of economics and I have been impressed by one thing : while much has been said about the immorality of the modern corporation and the injustice of the structures of international trade and while a little has been said , especially in North America , about the role of government and the need for proper control of money and credit , very little has been written about trade unions .
25 But still very little has been done : only medieval Lincoln and modern Brighton have had some attention recently .
26 Very little has been said about what actually happens or , at least , there are still few readily available accounts of school evaluations conducted by teachers .
27 In contrast , very little has been written on the presence of a risk premium for index futures .
28 Very little has been discovered of the gates , although their sites can be predicted with tolerable certainty .
29 After the votes , the two documents were solemnly promulgated , but the bishops travelled back to their dioceses with a sense that too little had been achieved .
30 Too little has been spent on maintaining the system in the past and the industry , faced with signs of accelerating failure rates , does not yet appear to be doing enough to contain the rate of decay .
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