Example sentences of "[adv] accept [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But I hope you are amiable and fair-minded enough to accept that this switch was not in any way part of my original purpose .
2 Yet another omission from the Vienna Convention is the most-favoured nation clause , a clause long accepted as effective to provide benefits for third parties to treaties concluded subsequent to the treaty containing the clause .
3 Under its constitution West Germany ( like Japan — see below ) could take no part in external military activities , and by Aug. 20 Chancellor Kohl had apparently accepted that this was a definitive barrier , the view of both Foreign Minister Genscher and Defence Minister Gerhard Stoltenberg ( both Free Democrats in Kohl 's Christian Democrat-led coalition ) .
4 We humans , however , are not given the power to look into the mind of a penguin and must only accept that this is the best way to ensure survival of the species .
5 But for those in Japan who do achieve a more secure status it is widely accepted that such benefits are unlikely to be renewed if the individual moves to another company .
6 It is now widely accepted that such headaches can be precipitated by foods as well as stress , the oral contraceptive Pill , and the build-up to a period .
7 It is widely accepted that new members of the research community deserve careful initiation , socialisation and accreditation .
8 It is widely accepted that one of the main factors contributing to the relative decline and adverse trading position of the British economy is a shortfall of investment in private industry , and socialists can not afford to be indifferent to this since the employment prospects and livelihood of millions of workers are at stake .
9 It is currently widely accepted that regional divergence in living standards within countries is the norm ( Bennett , 1980 , 67 ) .
10 It is widely accepted that vast amounts of police time are wasted by calling constables unnecessarily as court witnesses but the problem has so far proved intractable .
11 To quote one of them ( D. M. Anderson ) , ‘ It is widely accepted that some , perhaps many , of the abiotic chemical reactions and processes leading to the origin on Earth of replicating micro-organisms occurred very early in the history of Earth in close proximity to the surfaces of clay minerals and other inorganic substrates . ’
12 It is now widely accepted that this was the main cause of the rise in population .
13 It is widely accepted that this system ‘ has nothing to teach us ’ .
14 In a series of papers Stewart and colleagues have shown a significant association , now widely accepted as causal , between obstetric radiography and childhood leukaemia and other cancers .
15 The tale of phantom archers from Agincourt aiding British troops was widely accepted as factual , and by the summer of 1915 the legend of the ‘ Angels of Mons ’ had swept the country .
16 But it seems to be widely accepted as inevitable that indiscipline will not be eradicated , no matter how positive or imaginative the school tries to be ; hence the need to be able to apply sanctions and punishments , ‘ to register disapproval of unacceptable behaviour and as a last resort to protect the necessary authority of teachers and the stability of the school system ’ .
17 Firstly the curriculum ‘ must promote development in all the main areas of learning and experience which are widely accepted as important ’ .
18 By concession , rental income from surplus business accommodation is taxed under Sch D , Case I rather than Sch A. The Inland Revenue has commented that it normally accepts that current account and trade interest qualify for relief under s 393(8) , ICTA 1988 , as , under certain circumstances , will interest from the temporary lodgement of part of the current working capital in a bank deposit account .
19 It is generally accepted that each person , man and woman , is made up of both masculine and feminine qualities , and it appears that in some lifetimes the masculine will have been predominant while in others it will have been the feminine .
20 Many claims are received in respect of cigarette burns to furniture , carpets etc. and although there has been no actual ‘ fire ’ , it is generally accepted that such claims can be considered as fire damage .
21 In 1912 Edison introduced the compatible ‘ Blue Amberol ’ records made of an even tougher plastic ; and it is generally accepted that Blue Amberols had a better , higher fidelity performance than any other medium before the First World War .
22 It is generally accepted that increasing lake acidification due to acid deposition has caused fish kills and stock depletion ( figure 4.14 ) .
23 It 's generally accepted that oral contraceptives may slightly enlarge a woman 's breasts , but in a few exceptional cases it has had other more alarming side-effects .
24 It has been generally accepted that adenomatous polyps develop in the second and third decade with most affected untreated subjects developing a colorectal carcinoma by the age of 40 years .
25 As a corollary , it is generally accepted that many marginal social groups , especially economically-depressed ethnic minorities , also have high rates of crime .
26 Although the number of expatriates who voted is not known , it is generally accepted that those who take the trouble to register are likely to vote .
27 It was generally accepted that this was best achieved by attacking enemy tactical aircraft on their airfields .
28 Sadly , it appears to be generally accepted that this is the way people in service industries in Glasgow behave .
29 It is now generally accepted that this meeting was the first step on the unpremeditated road which led to the establishment of the London Veterinary College .
30 His15 in S. faecalis HPr has a relatively low p K a ( 6.1 ) and it was generally accepted that this resulted from the direct interaction between the side chains of His15 and Arg17 .
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