Example sentences of "[adv] believe [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many people wrongly believed that setaside land would soon bloom with wildflowers like this ancient Cotswold grazing meadow , which is now a nature reserve .
2 Suppose we have lived in utter darkness and only believed that darkness was light ? ’
3 Colonel Fagg obviously believed that attack was the best form of defence .
4 The person or creature — one of your sub-personalities — starts to argue with you , telling you all the reasons why you are wrong , and why you would do much better to believe that life is full of suffering !
5 It was long believed that remarriage and the prospects of remarriage must be taken into account when considering a widower 's claim but this must be in some doubt following the wide interpretation given to s4 of the Act in Stanley v Siddique [ 1992 ] 1 QB 1 : see Kemp & Kemp ( Sweet & Maxwell ) 22 – 004 et seq .
6 Professor Williams , however , not only believes that rape should have a limited ambit because of the severity of the penalty , but that procuring a woman by threat should also be subject to limitations even though its maximum penalty is merely two years ' imprisonment .
7 Bismarck said he sympathised with the Polish position , but nevertheless believed that Germanisation meant the Poles would be emancipated and enriched by contact with German language and culture .
8 Letting agents Whelan Best believe that Heritage Plaza is ideally suited to a wide variety of retailers , including the owners of gift shops , bookshops , craft shops , antique and fashion and accessory outlets .
9 I nevertheless believe that dictatorship will not succeed , that the future belongs to democracy and freedom . "
10 We no longer believe that language and reality ‘ match up ’ so congruently — indeed , we probably think that words give birth to things as much as things give birth to words .
11 The college believes nurses should be given a pay rise because one in four members are the sole breadwinner in their household and most nurses no longer believe that nursing will provide them with a secure job .
12 It is generally believed that persecution by man was the main reason for the extinction of this magnificent bird as a breeding species in Shetland .
13 It is generally believed that garlic and tea-tree essences are the most powerful anti-viral oils .
14 Deep down inside , you see , I still believed that life was basically benevolent .
15 That same society once believed that science would overcome all its problems .
16 He could hardly believe that Zach was his special friend .
17 Some people mistakenly believe that ceiling joists can be turned into floor joists , simply by nailing other joists on top to double the depth .
18 We will not give way to those who mistakenly believe that power grows out of the barrel of a gun .
19 The people who do this , often expert in their own field , astronomy or whatever it may be , seem sincerely to believe that Darwinism explains living organization in terms of chance — " single- step selection " — alone .
20 In my own department , I should say that , although some members still believe that literature is best studied in isolation , looking simply at ‘ the words on the page ’ , most of us now like to contextualise it in some way , often historically , and are inclined to ask students to read some texts which are not ‘ literature ’ in the conventional sense .
21 Many still believe that water from a well is pure and health-giving .
22 still believe that SSE is important but I do n't believe that those who devised the scheme have got it right yet — feedback to the LEA , etc. will only be what senior staff within the school wish to discuss ;
23 Customers are also scared off by prices , he added , because some of them still believe that fault-tolerance means simply installing two machines that cost twice as much .
24 I still believe that three-day cricket can make certain players lazy , as opportunities come round thick and fast and failures are overtaken very quickly by the next match .
25 Many still believe that finance can only be as strong as local manufacturing .
26 I had always believed that survival lay in the mind but now I knew there were things one could n't survive .
27 I have always believed that discounting is only one item in the armoury of promotional activity .
28 I 've always believed that risk and danger are important in terms of art .
29 Managers have known for a long time that demographics matter , but they have always believed that population statistics change slowly .
30 Grant clearly believed that education was a lifelong process and his commitment to maintaining his awareness , even during his advancing years , is a example to all professionals .
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