Example sentences of "[adv] possible that [det] " in BNC.

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1 So , so it 's entirely possible that all of this is misconceived ?
2 It is entirely possible that this mechanism does operate , and that the members of a herd do use these clues when looking at one another .
3 Therefore , when clients relate their first and subsequent panic attacks , or other symptoms of anxiety and stress , and explain that they were doing nothing out of the ordinary , it is entirely possible that this was the case .
4 In the case of the zebra , it is entirely possible that several of the nine mechanisms are working together , each supporting the other .
5 It is thus possible that most of the tissue damage is caused by neutrophils generating free oxygen radicals and releasing lysosomal enzymes when in contact with a chemoattractant within the lumina propria .
6 Planned tours aside , it 's just possible that all of the Brennan family could soon find themselves in the charts .
7 It seems just possible that this reversal of hand causes sufficient unwinding of the super helix into which the DNA is wound to prevent the gene being transcribed .
8 It is just possible that this is a master stroke on the part of the CEGB : focus attention on a topic that really has little to do with the inspector .
9 It is just possible that this far-off configuration will be unstable , and that the Sun will draw the Moon away into an independent orbit around the Sun , leaving the Earth Moon-less .
10 It is just possible that this is exactly the situation that we face when , as individuals , we experience these stages , and it may certainly be the situation that , as psychoanalysts , we encounter when we try to reconstruct the phases of ego- and superego-development from the sole evidence of the clinical analysis of individuals ( For instance , I strongly suspect that this fact has seriously misled the Kleinian school in its theory of developmental stages and is still obscuring much of the psychological structure of the psychoses , and perhaps the neuroses too . )
11 It is just possible that these properties would be sufficient , together with the abilities required by specific tasks , to engender a coordinated interdigitation of actions that would ( remotely ) resemble human interaction .
12 It has not proved possible to locate any smaller scale surveys specific to any areas , although it is always possible that some could exist somewhere !
13 It is always possible that some ingenious modification of its protective belt will lead to some spectacular discovery that will bring the programme to life again and set it on a progressive phase .
14 Although the relationships between risk and recognition performance found in Study 2 were rather more complex it is still possible that all or part of the relationship was caused by the explicit focus on risk during the judgment phase .
15 It was still possible that this was thermonuclear fusion taking place in a mass of gas moving in the same direction as the current , but other measurements made this seem very unlikely .
16 It is also possible that many advertisers were put off by the political tone .
17 It is also possible that more women were attracted to the idea of site-specific work .
18 It is also possible that this is meant to show her inability to do anything without her lover , even to kill herself .
19 The current position is that the language of the Convention suggests one conclusion , while the intentions of the parties another ; it is also possible that those intentions changed after the negotiations precisely because of the changed stance of the United States .
20 However , it is also possible that these domains might not be directly involved in the association but that deletions of these regions might induce a conformational change of each protein , affecting the interaction .
21 It is also possible that some small babies have insufficient lactase to cope with very large feeds — they can digest small feeds , but if their morning feed is larger than usual , the extra lactose overwhelms their capacity to cope with it .
22 It is also possible that some of this weathering might be caused by salt crystallisation effects ( see Chapter 3 ) .
23 On the other hand , it is also possible that some abortions that were originally induced by primitive or illegal means will be finally treated by medical personnel and reported as spontaneous abortion .
24 It may be that one day we shall discover a complete unified theory that predicts them all , but it is also possible that some or all of them vary from universe to universe or within a single universe .
25 It is also possible that some research is directed towards developing a technique , methodology , computer program , or piece of equipment which has wide applicability , but whose initial testing was carried out within some field of Scottish geology .
26 It is also possible that some research is directed towards developing a technique , methodology , computer program , or piece of equipment which has wide applicability , but whose initial testing was carried out within some field of Scottish geology .
27 as if to emphasise the relative longevity of this sequence , however , it is also possible that some mosaics might pre-date the sequences of simple geometric and Orphic pavements .
28 Is it similarly possible that these emotions are not a consequence of the dream but of the apparently haphazard interaction between midbrain and hindbrain activity during REM sleep ?
29 LATE NOTE : It is now possible that this will have to be switched to the Public Hall .
30 It is even possible that some might be low ‘ g ’ sensitive and be at risk if a low ‘ g ’ situation suddenly occurs .
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