Example sentences of "[adv] though [pron] 've " in BNC.

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1 Come on lads , ever though we 've only lost once in 20 games , it 's upto 10 wins and 9 draws when we started with 5 wins on the trot .
2 Now though I 've got to just get on with the rest of my life
3 Odd — I 've never dreamt about Cal , even though we 've been friends ever since we sat next to each other the first day I walked into that school .
4 I find this very difficult to erm , to relate , to relate hard work to the women portraying in , in this , we 've got the postcard of that one , erm it must of been hard work and very tedious , but I think every now and then the moment breaks away and shines through at the back , and I think people like , like Gaugin erm captures those moments and then releases them on the canvass , and I hope that erm by , I hope I 've been able to show you how I use art as a voice erm and a friend as my own work , even though we 've maybe had to do such a sort of hand fist way , hand fisted way , erm , but , I , I 've recently started to re-visit old favourite of paintings and I found that the story they tell sometimes has changed dramatically , maybe sometimes when your very little that , that , you know , sometimes dramatically as well , erm , but I , mostly , most importantly its , its still , I still find them , all of them compelling and challenging and , and something to stride for in my own work , erm , er only time will tell so I 'll finish with the , the last poem which is erm comes from the postcard what 's going round which is harvest , its called Patterns In The Grass , Wheat cut and falls , making lion head patterns in the grass , sickle shaped women bend and bow as a naive dressed as a dog steals the evening meal .
5 And even though we 've issued ‘ D ’ notices on these events , it 's only a matter of time before we have a panic on our hands . ’
6 I think we should note that in the current year , and you 've corrected Mr , that it 's three million pounds extra that we 've spent , even though we 've spent three million pounds extra in May , with our decisions then to restore the sheltered workshops and to give more money to education and to keep elderly peoples homes open .
7 I think perhaps if I just add a point to that er although we have as four nations agreed on the revised requirement there , I believe it 's true to say that development has progressed to such an extent that probably we will have the original requirement in practice , even though we 've no longer specified it .
8 Maybe we 've just misunderstood , even though we 've been around for a long time , my own trades council in Battersea and Wandsworth celebrated its hundredth anniversary this year .
9 An eagle flies better than a pelican even though they 've both got wings . ’
10 Nowadays , everyone seems to call everyone else by their first name , even though they 've never met them before .
11 The German Dynacord company remain relatively unheralded within the modern music industry , even though they 've been around for over forty years , in fact since the very inception of electronic amplification .
12 You do read terrible stories in the papers every day of men who 've murdered their wives , get off even though they 've chopped their wives into a hundred bits , driven to the Lake District overnight , dumped the body and gone back
13 Even though they 've been squandering our money now .
14 Romance has blossomed between Amanda and convicted killer , Bobby Downs , even though they 've never met .
15 Developers who 've begun turning an old railway site into a multi-million pound housing , shops and offices complex , have promised that work will continue even though they 've put the development up for sale .
16 No I , what I do is I test it , I clean it out even though they 've done it
17 I think so , It made me feel that some actually seem to be quite keen to have suburban or mid-week , even though they 've had city centre ones in the past .
18 Even though I 've accepted myself , it does n't mean I would n't want to look better sometimes .
19 Even though I 've run my mower on unleaded petrol for years , I 'd like to see the manufacturers design cleaner engines .
20 Had I still got something wrong with my heart , even though I 've never felt better since my by-pass operation .
21 She said : ‘ Even though I 've received compensation , my memory of pin-down will never be erased . ’
22 I 'd live off my wits even though I 've geared myself to be a footballer .
23 Even though I 've got the option of not doing it , I do n't really feel I could not do it , because I feel I ought to do it .
24 I was and it 's never gone away even though I 've put my weight back on .
25 It was just me , it still is now , even though I 've got kids .
26 I really prefer it if someone else does the cutting , because even though I 've worked in newspapers for so long , it 's terribly hard to know how to cut your own stuff .
27 Their taunts must have sickened her , so this ai n't the time to start mauling — even though I 've got a bulge in my pants like a bunch of bananas and I want to rip that nightdress of her and throw her on the bed .
28 I do n't think I have seen enough of Beeny to critize/praise him ( even though I 've seen about 12 live games this year ) .
29 I would prefer to finish my sentence here even though I 've only got three weeks to go .
30 Even though I 've been shopping through France
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