Example sentences of "[adv] let [pers pn] say " in BNC.

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1 So let us say er well let's take an example , you 've just been er hit in the eye by a hockey ball hit by our friend Jonathan .
2 So let us say you 've been hit in the eye accidentally by a hockey ball .
3 Now let me say with the monthly card and with the daily page , I 'm going to be showing you a very structured approach to planning .
4 Please let me say , Helen , that I have the very greatest affection and respect for you .
5 Okay well let me say something now about what political power means er to an American president and what its limits are .
6 Well let me say quite clearly now , that is not true .
7 If the tobacco road is considered the one-way street to perdition , then let me say that it is as incompatible as the marriage of athletic sports with smoking sponsorship .
8 But , if I can take it ( given you 've stuck with me so far ) that I 'm preaching to the converted , then let me say that I think the GR-1 is a vast improvement on the GR-50 in terms of sound and ease of approach .
9 If the walk does not have any triple of successive nodes like … b c b … so it never goes from one node to another and then straight back again , then let us say the walk is reduced .
10 Firstly let me say that I do n't climb much these days — about a hundred or so routes a year , mostly soloed and always in trainers .
11 Before you say anything else let me say , se when it 's
12 ‘ It was principally to let us say goodbye to each other in peace , said Gay .
13 Never let him say we starve our visitors , expected or unexpected .
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