Example sentences of "[adv] before we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to take you Chris but it is a school night , I think it 's going to be , yo it 'll be ten o'clock before we got home .
2 Gon na ask you to do an exercise now er it 'll it 'll take us to four o'clock before we start talking about assertiveness what I 'm gon na ask you to do is in one , two three , one two in two twos and a three I want you to put on paper one side one sheet of paper to sum up all the things we 've done about communication so far today and it 's going to other people on this course , and it 's going to be marked by one of them on this course .
3 And not long before we left school , the poetical stage when we read poetry out of doors , or rather I did , while he listened .
4 It just says that we have to make the the call for nominations so long before we put out the selection ballot .
5 Er because neither of us could really manage in the kitchen it was not long before we became very tired of having to eat convenience food sad looking old meat pies , dried out chips and heated up frozen vegetables soon palled .
6 We galloped along the sand , and I knew what had happened long before we reached the rocks where the King lay .
7 It was not long before we had to try our swords , as the billhooks had become , on something real and so a row of perfectly harmless Brussels Sprouts were decapitated .
8 ‘ I made up my mind about that long before we had five goals stuck past us at Oldham on Saturday .
9 But on the question of grant maintained , of course , let's not forget what happened some time ago in places like Manchester Grammar School erm long before we had this new opting out legislation they were forced by the Labour Government to go direct grant , which they did , and they are a highly successful and I could rehearse just as many success stories , in fact many times more than Jack has rehearsed with his Hull Grammar School .
10 How long before we lose interest ?
11 Sweetheart , I told Mother I was falling in love with you long before we went to the island .
12 Were going it wo n't be long before we go anyway .
13 It should n't be too long before we get an answer in the shape of the first computer animation feature films .
14 ‘ How long before we get drugs in the game ?
15 ‘ How long before we get back to the proper road ? ’
16 Long before we got to Moscow everything was ‘ off ’ the already limited menu .
17 For , as Neil Bartlett points out , that nice little word was corrupted long before we got our sticky fingers on it .
18 He was a very good teacher of theology , but it was not long before we discovered that he had a dreadful fear that the depression that was sweeping Europe , as well as this country , was becoming the cause of another even worse war .
19 However , the atmosphere was so friendly and relaxed that it was n't long before we made lots of friends and , spurred on by the Animation Team , joined in the occasional game of volleyball or tennis — you can hire racquets and even have expert tuition if you want to improve on your technique .
20 It was n't long before we realised there were many other talents around who wanted to be part of it .
21 LONG before we started telling naive people to take what they were told with a pinch of salt , the Romans were issuing the same advice in the form of ‘ cum grano salis ’ , which was actually a mild pun .
22 Long before we arrived , Herr Wendling had made a great reputation for him and has now introduced him to all his friends .
23 How long before we read about ‘ Will Carling In Love Shock With Savile Row Taylor ? ’
24 Museums are not supposed to be in the business of wiping out bad memories , though , and it wo n't be long before we start getting nostalgic .
25 It might be long before we start .
26 Well you see they had the mail er contract on Wyre long before we start .
27 Yet , long before we clashed , the Bugis had possessed a highly complex written language , in which every letter looks rather like the cross-section of a different but closely related spiral seashell .
28 But to start our adventure story at the beginning … long before we visited Bali , we escaped the ashram walls of Subud in Java , raised some money to make our first film , and found ourselves amongst a tribe who literally believe their ancestors descended from the stars in skyships .
29 If they do , it may not be long before we have to pay the price .
30 Going on again on the tenant farmers , I actually think that er we are very good landlords and I think our our our tenants would rather us keep us as landlords than the private sector , in actual fact we will have no doubt a debate quite soon on that issue when the government makes us sell off all areas of of er th our interests and that one , I will tell you this , I think that some of the members all sides of the fence every side of the fence , have been passionately behind the tenants , if if they 're gon na be sold off by now they 'd have been sold off , but I think it wo n't be far long before we have to take education first , social services first , the elderly before er your side with your government to come forward and say to us we do n't want you interfering with anything like that and being bold business , get rid of , but that 's another debate that will come up later on .
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