Example sentences of "[adv] political and [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Important as they were for historians of the future , and as a source for scholarship generally , public records generated less political and academic controversy then than later .
2 It has always been acknowledged that a system of private property ownership confers upon the owners of property private economic ( and perhaps political and social ) power .
3 But so long as Mary of Guise 's position was upheld by her daughter , no amount of rhetoric could conceal the fact that in attacking the regent they were attacking the queen , and religious sincerity did not get them off the hook of treason ; thus , for example , when they seized the coining-irons of the mint in Edinburgh in July , it was an intelligent enough political and military act , but their efforts to justify it on the grounds that they were serving their country by stopping the regent 's debasement of the coinage rang all too hollow .
4 It 's not so political and personal for him — or maybe he 's getting ready to snap … ’
5 Thirteen per cent of the cadre were illiterate , so political and cultural training was being concentrated on this sector .
6 The tendency toward enclosure and fixed meanings is thus political and personal , as well as discursive .
7 There were thus political and ideological reasons for promoting this student tide , not just economic ones .
8 Like other multinational electronics companies , Digital was under political and commercial pressure to increase ‘ local sourcing ’ of components .
9 Much as many Ethiopians fear and loathe the government , they are calling for more political and economic freedom , and would not feel liberated by the TPLF .
10 The period in which both were founded — 1969 in the case of the Friends , and 1970 in Greenpeace 's — marked a transition from old-fashioned conservationism to a much more political and active defence of nature .
11 The signs are that he is prepared to sign up for the emerging versions of both political and monetary union .
12 By 1984 the bill had reached £1.4 billion and we were under both political and professional pressure to reduce it .
13 The questions are both political and controversial .
14 French interests in Italy were based on both political and economic considerations — both , in a sense , strategic .
15 Both political and economic factors influence the AL of maintaining a safe environment to a very great degree .
16 The United States had always regarded Latin America as its own " backyard " — an area in which US influence , both political and economic , was undisputed .
17 The dates and stages by which communism was to be reached disappeared entirely ; the 1986 Programme , on the contrary , noted that the party did ‘ not attempt to foresee in detail the features of full communism ’ and warned that any attempt to advance too rapidly was ‘ doomed to failure and might cause both political and economic damage ’ .
18 But the republics know that the help that is increasingly coming in technical assistance and the possible eventual macroeconomic help is tied to the prospect of reform and is dependent on the continued impetus of both political and economic reform .
19 This could have frightening implications , both political and economic , for Germany , which has done more to try to help Russia than any other European state , providing $40 billion in loans , half her external debt , and for the Eastern European countries which are still struggling to convert to a market economy .
20 I had been drawn into the deadly rivalry , both political and personal , which existed between Francis and Henry .
21 The King afterwards explained his sudden decision in a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury ‘ When I realized how serious the situation both political and financial had become , I felt that it was necessary for me to be in close touch with my Prime Minister and of course he could n't come here . ’
22 There had been for many years various organizations to co-ordinate Nonconformist work in both political and religious fields and the oldest bodies dated back to the previous century .
23 The Palatinate was a major player in the war which was both political and religious with alignments changing as events developed .
24 His sudden death , on the Third Crusade , devastated imperial morale , both political and religious .
25 In particular , regulatory control is characterized by an ambivalence which has both political and moral dimensions .
26 The idea that constitutional changes should be made to reduce the power of ‘ demand groups ’ may be objected to on both political and logical grounds .
27 When approached more rigorously , however , difficulties and disagreements soon appear from both political and practical perspectives .
28 Lay members of the church moved with their religious leaders to condemn the institutionalized violence " of the oligarchy and now offer both political and practical support to the opposition .
29 Fast Food Zoo 33⅓ RPM — a piece of ‘ physical and visual theatre ’ — looks at role , definition and relevance of the individual to revolutions — both political and sexual .
30 This suggests that grievances were both political and social .
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