Example sentences of "[adv] when we got " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Michael 's a brilliant lyricist , he can talk about things that matter without it being obvious , so when we got together there was no way we were going to do a creamy , greasy duet .
2 So when we got the council 's bloke to have a word with her , went to saw he a fortnight ago , and she 's moved today .
3 So when we got overseas course we flew with the Ninety Second Bomb Group the Three Two Six Squadron and er all we were pretty well into our missions , I would say about six , seven , eight .
4 Well well I I as I er as both myself and my wife understood it , everything had been paid and then obviously when we got the letter saying we owed this amount of money it did n't come to light till Mr and Mrs came to see you
5 And erm they were determined that we should all work near as proficient in milking to go and take over , so we had to learn to hand milk , to use three different types of milking machines and to do all the necessary sterilizing and everything else , so that we could be used straight away when we got to the farm .
6 And anyway when we got back to England er we went to Aldershot , and was n't there long .
7 you see , so er anyway when we got off the phone Mike said yeah but what about bloody power you see
8 So we sauntered home and by the time just when we got home perhaps by you know we 'd get home at nine , by quarter past nine er we saw the Zeppelin come over .
9 just when we got back off holiday we 'd got a letter from
10 No we never got the fire engine out we just er we just when we got
11 But I say that , they 've got no right to just change your , your name over , I mean , basically , really and truthfully when we got this place Rudy were n't on , on , he never signed on on nothing
12 We had , well when we got , when , as we got older us younger ones our business got larger .
13 Well when we got it home I realized it was the battery lead that was just a little bit of lead
14 But when we stopped in Bahrain out in Hong Kong , well when we got into Hong Kong , you get this little tiny cup it 's about an eighth of the size of that bloody thing , and it 's thick and it 's horrible , their coffee .
15 The whole morning was a fair to average shambles , even when we got back to Battalion HQ We found the basement at Cadogan Gardens full of fainting civilians — mostly rather pretty girls . ’
16 We had a shop in Nairobi and came here when we got our vouchers in 1971 .
17 ‘ So how come you were n't here when we got back ?
18 ‘ But it was there when we got here , Miss . ’
19 erm , but actually near the erm near the bridge the the large roundabout before you go over the Gateshead bridge erm underneath that there 's a subway and what have you there 's shops in there , there 's a little shop in there that th that used to do these rolls and beautiful rolls , any bread you wanted , any filling you wanted you know they have vast variety of different fillings you know , and it was all there in these erm show cases , and we used to go down there and get a sandwich , take it back to the place where we was you know , this conference centre and erm it was great and then course when we got back
20 Then when we got to the sawmill I 'd stay close beside Uncle Bill watching him sawing and planing , keeping well away from the saw , until midday when the mill shut up for the week .
21 My lover and I lived together for eight years and then when we got rid of the greengrocer 's shop , he ‘ went back to mother ’ .
22 living with that and then when we got rid of that purple carpet
23 We were told not to do this , told not to come here , told to sledge and throw snowballs and make snowmen all we wanted , but not even to come near the loch and the river , in case we fell through the ice ; and yet Andy came here after we 'd sledged for a while on the slope near the farm , walked down here through the woods despite my protests , and then when we got here to the river bank I said well , as long as we only looked , but then Andy just whooped and jumped down onto the boulder-lumped white slope of shore and sprinted out across the pure flat snow towards the far bank .
24 And of course and then when we got older , when we got in us teens , we used to have to help us mother with the cleaning .
25 and we enjoyed it so much , we went and asked my mother for some more money , we stayed another week and then when we got back to London er Mrs said I think we better go , you know , get away from London in
26 But you do n't you remember Carla had a bath Sunday she ha , we had a bath about nine o'clock and then when we got back she went to have her bath and she got in it and it was stone cold !
27 Yes a great yes a great one but then when we got to Manchester it was all baps !
28 He hinted to me the week before the event that he would n't mind a rest one day and I thought about that and thought about it again when we got to The Belfry .
29 And er eventually when we got the ne purchased the next door premises , we decided to turn that entirely into aquatic .
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