Example sentences of "[adv] i heard the " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly I heard the guttural roar of fire from my studio above .
2 Suddenly I heard the noise of an animal jumping through the window , and immediately I hid at the back of my box .
3 When I got halfway I heard the angry voice of the French maid saying very aggressively : ‘ You got nobody like Napoleon ! ’
4 Or so I heard the other day over lunch from Patricia Routledge , best known as television 's appalling social climber , Hyacinth Bucket .
5 The ceremony began , and soon I heard the priest come to the point in the wedding where he had to ask , ‘ Is there any reason why these two people should not be married ? ’
6 Far away I heard the cry of the curlew like a bell tolling a lament for an ancient wrong unrighted .
7 And though the leaves were still I heard the wind
8 Distinctly I heard the pop of gunfire , one , two , three shots , not nearby , but not far away either .
9 A minute later I heard the orderly 's voice inside the compound as he passed cigarettes to the Canadian through the window of the cell next door .
10 A minute later I heard the car engine start .
11 Well I heard the was high but that was ridiculous .
12 Then I heard the growls of support coming from our own side for proposals like Family Credit and the ending of SERPS .
13 Then I heard the doctor , as he was leaving , say something like ‘ Keep an eye on him …
14 ‘ I used to hate punk rock , ’ she continued , ‘ and then I heard The Stranglers .
15 Then I heard the sounds of a desperate struggle , just above my room .
16 I heard Detchard 's voice , and then I heard the King reply .
17 I had no time to find out , because just then I heard the noise of the drawbridge coming down .
18 And then I heard the sound of laughter — Rupert of Hentzau was laughing !
19 Then I heard the Hispaniola hit the little boat , and I was left with no way to escape .
20 Then I heard the footsteps … coming up fast= an echoing , slapping sound making me think of a great bird or bat flapping up from the bottom of a wall …
21 Then I heard the door open again , and turned , thinking Mrs Raffald would be there with her things for tidying up , but it was Robert .
22 Then I heard the monster 's voice : ‘ It pleases me that you have decided to live , because that is just what I want . ’
23 Then I heard the taxi 's arrival , that unmistakably expectant panting .
24 Then I heard the door , and you came in , and — and I did not dare to reveal myself because — ’
25 Then I heard the front door close and the sound of his car going down the road .
26 I walked almost to the edge of the forest , then I heard the voice .
27 Then I heard the humming .
28 He seemed vulnerable but then I heard the chink of armour and , looking carefully through the trees which swept up from the river , caught a glimpse of colour and steel and knew that help , if he needed it , was never far away .
29 I wandered down the Rue de la Carbière then I heard the first soul-searing howl : the wolves were back in Paris , hunting for whatever they could find .
30 Then I heard the slap-slap-slap of rubber-soled feet coming across the yard and did what any ice-cool undercover dude would do ; I went into freeze-frame , rabbit-in-headlight shock .
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