Example sentences of "[adv] that [pers pn] need " in BNC.

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1 There is still much that we need to know about HIV and AIDS , and we are all learning all of the time .
2 We have the greatest chance ever to rid the world of nuclear weapons now , yet the consensus in this country is apparently that we need to maintain three Trident systems and possibly build a fourth at a total cost of more than £23 billion .
3 Basil of Caesarea ( c330–379 ) , bishop , monk , and social reformer , also directed many to self-renouncing service in the market-place , for ‘ God the Creator arranged things so that we need each other ’ ( Longer Rule VII ) .
4 Basically , however , there is just one cause : ‘ the causes of universal things ( of those , at least , that have any cause ) are manifest of themselves , or ( as they commonly say ) known to nature ; so that they need no method at all ; for they have all but one universal cause , which is motion . ’
5 Two er requirements for the future that er seem to be er er desirable are stealth and what could be stealthier than the present generation of aircraft and secondly to prevent you having to go over your target you 're likely to be shot down so that you need a stand up weapon capability , er if the payload is somewhat limited can it still carry stand off weapons that are effective ?
6 He allows that they are individually necessary , and argues only that they need supplementing .
7 Parents can have such an enormous effect on your lives together that you need to work out the boundaries right at the beginning .
8 ‘ It 's just that we need to be absolutely sure before proceeding .
9 It 's just that I need , we all need , your co-operation if any kind of arrangement is to work out . ’
10 But landlords insisted yesterday that they need to raise prices to pay for them .
11 ‘ Archie will see you into the house , and if there 's anything more that you need , you will let him know .
12 I I er I er our office now appears in exactly the same way as the other two , namely that you need to announce yourself and who you are before you get let in the door .
13 Notice also that we need extra electronics and time in the micro-instruction execution cycle to decode the fields .
14 Really that you need a space for dates .
15 does not come now , now that we need him most .
16 Where is TODD RUNDGREN now that we need him most ?
17 ‘ It 's now that I need it . ’
18 The right approach might possibly be along the lines of : ‘ How about the family closing ranks and getting together now that you need a little help ? ’ or ‘ Give us the pleasure of doing something for you for a change . ’
19 A reminder please that we need nominations for the Executive Committee for election at the A.G.M. Three retiring members must be replaced .
20 Simply that you need to be aware of all the various factors before opting out of your present arrangements .
21 The problem with the ATTRIB command is simply that you need to replace the \ between the -h and c : \etc. by a space i.e. c : \DOS>attrib -r -s -h c : \lite\pcprobe \*; *
22 Yes , I mean you put your finger on an important problem here that we need to discuss and that is that if you concentrate on human beings in general , and this is true on our own society but I , I think it 's true of just about all societies and it 's emphatically true of primal hunting adult societies then men do make a lot of parental investment do n't they ?
23 Erm , I do need to see you some time erm let me just just see erm , but I 've got your erm your last term 's report here that we need to meet to discuss .
24 Well let me put it to you like this , I feel sometimes that I need something ,
25 Given then that we need and want our own beliefs to be true , the next question is : how do we get them ?
26 Yes you do go on tell i what have I just been telling you then that you need to concentrate on that I think you should be concentrating on .
27 Erm let's just pause a moment there because there 's a bit of legal language there that we need to sort out .
28 ‘ There 's some gel in there that we need before we can try to find that heartbeat . ’
29 ‘ Everything from there that I need , I carry within me . ’
30 And it 's something else that we need to get
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