Example sentences of "[adv] in the corner " in BNC.

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1 Kāli and Hārkini were huddled together in the corner of the room where sunlight flooded through the open doorway .
2 She cast a steely glance in the direction of the wardens , who clustered together in the corner watching the noisy lot of prisoners and their visitors , and advised me against looking in my bag .
3 ‘ I 'm going to order some soup or something , then we 'll get our heads together in the corner .
4 They 're only stapled together in the corner are n't they ?
5 ‘ Honour , ’ repeated Kit , a smile dancing mischievously in the corner of his lips , giving him for a moment the look of a sprite , a red-gold Puck no stranger to mischief .
6 Constance spent hours drawing imaginary clothes for the mannequins and , encouraged by Miss Hatherby and her mother , made them dresses out of scraps of old material Miss Hatherby managed to find tucked away in the corners of Seaton Cramer Hall .
7 As a sideline , to fill in time when the shop was devoid of customers , Tommy repaired umbrellas on a bench tucked away in the corner .
8 On top of this the only action Rick had seen was on his furthest rod , away in the corner by the dam out-flow away from our movements .
9 Well I found an old brown paper parcel tucked right away in the corner where the noise was a- coming from , but I could n't find what was making the noise , I opened the parcel and found this old kettle .
10 And then today when I was passing it was just munching away in the corner , you know .
11 just in the corner of her mouth .
12 Do n't force it down , just in the corner of her mouth .
13 The stick , after the apparent improvement of his pulled tendons , remained in his office , always in the corner by the door where he hung his coat .
14 It was that kind of country , somehow , safe things looked dangerous , specially in the corner of your eye .
15 They danced in silence , but still in the corner and almost on the same spot .
16 Brett pulled up a chair and sat discreetly in the corner .
17 The ball went via Dorigo to Deane , whose side-footer went right in the corner .
18 Somewhere in the corner of the vast pile of pharmacological agents available to us , is an obscure bundle of miscellaneous substances labelled ‘ tonics ’ .
19 A second later the cat was drinking the milk , and Emily was sitting dejectedly in the corner trying to lick a scratch on the end of her nose , and going cross-eyed in the attempt .
20 Old tins and coils of wire were stacked willy-nilly in the corners , along with odd-shaped bits of metal and jam jars with nails in them .
21 Cooking was done on an open , charcoal-burning stove , built at waist height , often in the corner of the kitchen .
22 An impressive madame , wife of the owner , stands continuously in the corner of the restaurant , surveying every aspect of the culinary stage management , and the sommelier has been working with the family for 38 years .
23 In Minton 's paintings , Greaves recalled , there were always sudden flashes of green and mauve even in the corners of this burnt-umber coloured room .
24 In the first place , actors never see all of the game and , even in the corner which they do see , they are not always transparent even to themselves .
25 A Ferguson penalty after Canning had fouled Ferris needlessly in the corner of the box made it two .
26 A Ferguson penalty after Canning had fouled Ferris needlessly in the corner of the box made it two .
27 ‘ Shall we sit over there in the corner ? ’
28 Whatever happened , whatever was done or said , he was there in the corner of her mind .
29 To Constance 's delight , there in the corner by the fireplace was a watercolour of a woman wearing the dress , and she was amazed by the similarity between her friend and the woman in the picture — they shared the same strongly determined mouth — even though Miss Hatherby was old and not pretty like the Honourable Miss Trevelyan , whose brown eyes possessed amazing richness and beauty .
30 Here I am , after all I 've worked and striven for — with Jake the Lord knows where ; my strength failing ; and that poor lad there in the corner … ’
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