Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] essential [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For an historical re-issue of this nature , I believe it 's essential to include not only details of the original matrices but also reasonably accurate dates for the recordings .
2 There 's enough building land within the present Milton Keynes boundary to last until the end of the century , but the Chamber of Commerce says it 's essential to plan for the future .
3 It 's essential to weigh up all the briefing details in order to plan your tactics and avoid getting blown up .
4 The first thing to remember is that as you turn the boat away from the wind , you let out the mainsheet , the sail only works properly at one angle to the wind and so it 's essential to let out the mainsheet as you bear away .
5 That 's wy it 's essential to stop them getting there .
6 It 's essential to wear a buoyancy aid when you 're first learning
7 The type of rucksack you need will depend entirely on what you want to do with it so it 's essential to assess your requirements carefully before you buy .
8 In all things , and particularly in ties , it 's essential to maintain a sense of scale .
9 Whether you decide on a honeymoon at home or you 're planning a trip abroad it 's a wonderful excuse to treat yourself to a couple of new outfits for the beach and it 's essential to look after yourself and protect against the sun 's more harmful rays .
10 Some cite the success of Raves and warehouse parties , for which it 's essential to look the part .
12 It 's essential to try them before buying , because if you find the colour difficult to tolerate you 're unlikely to benefit .
13 ‘ I think it 's essential to have some kind of interaction , ’ he told me .
14 ‘ I think it 's essential to have some kind of interaction , ’ he told me .
15 It 's essential to have those tinkling notes when you feel in the mood .
16 But for many people is n't it the case that the the church wedding is an an and the promises made the vows made before God and er before the the congregation , for many people they 're just a sort of rather erm oh dear how can I put it rather a flimsy frippery erm that they just feel it 's essential to have so that they can have the nice pictures and and look back on on a church wedding .
17 ( It 's essential to change filters regularly . )
18 A seasoned view of Howard 's Way or a Cowes spectator may always have nurtured the dream of sailing a dinghy or crewing a yacht , but any old sea salt worth their grinder will tell you that it 's essential to learn the ropes first from a qualified sailing instructor .
19 They say Thames Water has n't proved the reservoir is needed — the water company says it 's essential to meet future demand .
20 It 's essential to get him in straightaway .
21 It would be very surprising if partisanship and ideology did not affect relative preferences in this way , but it is essential to control for partisanship and ideology before investigating other , less obvious influences .
22 The distinction is particularly easy to draw in the fields of mathematics , music , electronics , and modern languages , but in history and geography and all the sciences it is essential to draw the distinction as well .
23 When part of the premises is vacated , and is capable of forming a separate occupation , it is essential to submit an appeal seeking a separate assessment on the vacant part .
24 Finally , it is essential to minimise re-finance risks by ensuring that flexible bank loan facilities are made available to meet certain expenditures associated with the project .
25 Because of the shortage of such funds , it is essential to arrive at methods for their use that ensure that as far as possible :
26 If your container has no drainage holes , it is essential to plant in bulb fibre , which is a compost of peat or a peat substitute with crushed oyster shell and charcoal added to keep the compost sweet .
27 When placing waterlilies in the pool , it is essential to situate them well away from a fountain or waterfall and in a really sunny position , for they are intolerant of shade or turbulent water .
28 It is essential to assure that information about its meaning , form , format , medium , mode , content , context , usage , and even how it was originally distributed in society is retained .
29 In order to allow timeshare owners to exercise property rights , therefore , it is essential to form either a limited company or a club .
30 Competence becomes manifest at that age ; and it is essential to search for its precursors to test whether current techniques are too blunt to detect ‘ latent competence ’ , current models too imprecise to point research optimally in that direction , and current theory too stark in the distinctions it draws to serve the interests of process models .
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