Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] cos [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I know she is cos she told me you do n't feed her properly .
2 It 's cos we knew that otherwise you 'd be complaining .
3 I mean we 're no when we have s like egg and chips , it 's cos we want to , not because we 've got to .
4 It 's cos we 've sung happy birthday , they 're
5 and it 's cos they do n't understand them but you 're understanding them I think very well now so you 're going to like them .
6 Perhaps it 's cos they do n't know the basics .
7 Is it cos they 're lazy , often think it 's cos they 're lazy do n't they ?
8 It 's cos they 're both on the picture .
9 it 's cos they 're high up out of danger
10 It 's cos they do n't go out see and when they do go out I remember the first time I took them down the park , they were like monkeys
11 It 's cos they do n't sit in the seat properly , they slouch in them !
12 I do n't know whether it 's cos they 're so sort of worked up that they 've got no control over what they 're doing but umm .
13 I think it 's cos they 're student doctors , you know , they like to prescribe as much as they can for the students !
14 . I think it 's cos they kept pestering him and all that .
15 Unless it 's cos they live there as well do n't they ?
16 But it 's to help it 's cos she 's a student , and it 's to help towards a special diet .
17 Do you think it 's cos she has n't ?
18 It 's cos she 's nobody to talk to .
19 You know before you 're sure whether it 's cos you know if you get into probation you see , that 's quite a specialized area and , and it may I think actually it might be it 's quite difficult to get into .
20 So you can use them for because of because of it 's cos you can draw it out you can make wires out of it .
21 It 's cos you 're travelling in a Metro .
22 I put , well it 's cos you 'll be that 's , that thing it 'll be like prunes .
23 It 's not that though , it 's cos you 're not supposed to use it under your eyes , it 's a flipping face shaver !
24 It 's cos you 've got the paper wet , go over there a bit
25 It 's cos you 're so thick !
26 It 's cos you 're using it for an improper
27 It 's cos you enjoy our company so much in n it Chris ?
28 It 's cos you
29 Say that one 's in again , and er , er and that , it 's cos you 're , you 're relying on that being the the support to , to support it .
30 It 's cos you 've only got one fifty three pound sixty .
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