Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] hoped for " in BNC.

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1 I 'd hoped for personal service , ’ said Giles .
2 It might not hold all I 'd hoped for , but … ’
3 I 'd hoped for a little money , at the very most , a thousand .
4 I 'd hoped for so much from that class since I was taking it at an American university , but — ’
5 I 'm delighted with the job , it 's the one I 'd hoped for .
6 It feels cold : I had hoped for spring but what I am finding is winter .
7 Expressing his delight at being appointed , he said : ‘ This is the one job I had hoped for . ’
8 I had hoped for more happy years . ’
9 The army had said we would average fifteen , but I had hoped for eighteen and had told them so .
10 I had hoped for thirty on the paved road to bump up the average before the open desert at Adrar .
11 And I just do n't have the support I had hoped for — from you , perhaps , yes .
12 ‘ I will admit we do n't have the fulfilled marriage I had hoped for , ’ he said .
13 ‘ Dr Armitage , I confess I had hoped for a little more from someone who knew Dr Wetherby so well and was resident at the same convention .
14 Following your excellent exposé of our ambiguous one , and Danny Baker 's candid assessment of the Boy In The Bubble , I had hoped for more than the arselicking articles printed .
15 I had hoped for someone a little more well never mind .
16 She must have briefly feared what I had hoped for .
17 I had hoped for some characteristic entry in his unflaggingly ironic Dictionnaire des idées reçues ; but it jumps pointedly from cognac to coitus .
18 I had hoped for better from Premier and Div 1 paddlers .
19 As before , a guard accompanied me to the barracks ; but this time , on the way back , we met two officers : it was exactly what I had hoped for .
20 I had hoped for more , I must confess , Rain .
21 " No , I suppose not , but I had hoped for something a little more exotic .
22 Although I had hoped for justice and understanding when my story was known , that was not to be .
23 I had hoped for a conference with the Turkish and Greek Governments and representatives of the two communities .
24 I had hoped for Eric 's face , or some further clue about what was going to happen , but I got nothing .
25 I had hoped for better than this .
26 I had hoped for weeping willows , cedars of Lebanon , Lombardy poplars , seaweeds , perhaps deer antlers .
27 ‘ He 'd schooled very well and although I had hoped for a lead for a bit longer , we had to go on where we did .
28 However , what I had hoped for did happen ; people came away from the workshop with a desire to see how they could use the experience and the insight they had gained within their own establishments .
29 When I was two my mother had bought me a number of premium bonds and ever since I had hoped for a little win .
30 When the first meeting happens someone needs to explain to the people there ( and do n't be discouraged if there are fewer that you 'd hoped for ) what the Christian group is all about and why it 's important to have a group in school .
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