Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] clear that " in BNC.

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31 But although the argument over who were the real world champions was emphatically settled in favour of Nick Farr-Jones 's side , the political machinations before , during and after the tours have made it painfully clear that rugby is a sideshow — albeit one with significant political influence — in the scheme of things in South Africa .
32 Almost from the day she and the children had been brought to this large dilapidated dwelling on Buncer Lane , Luther Reynolds had made it painfully clear that they were not welcome .
33 He makes it repeatedly clear that he addresses himself to the Greeks who have little knowledge of Roman institutions ; but on the other hand he refers to Roman readers ( 6.5 1 .3–8 ) and is quite obviously looking at them over his shoulder .
34 Finally , may I make it unambiguously clear that Labour will reverse the decisions on these three hospitals announced today and will do so immediately after the general election ?
35 Unfortunately I regard it as clear that although the consequences to them of operating a commercial port were reasonably plain from the beginning , insufficient thought was given to the question of access to the port before planning permission was granted .
36 The stone was placed within a specially designed chair in Westminster Abbey to make it symbolically clear that all coronations of English kings henceforth should be regarded as simultaneous coronations of the kings of Scotland .
37 The Lindop report made it fairly clear that safeguards with regard to access and illegal use are needed .
38 Moreover the Keynesian analysis of the labour market as set out in Chapter 5 should have made it fairly clear that Keynes was not denying any of the neoclassical assumptions motivating self-interested households and firms to engage in trade in attempts to achieve Pareto-efficiency .
39 That he had done both this morning made it perfectly clear that he knew George had upset her again .
40 And , although she never actually put it into words she had made it perfectly clear that she would put him out of business if he did n't agree to her terms .
41 ‘ These two cases , then , make it perfectly clear that when he is sued , as in the present case , on the covenants contained in the original lease , the original tenant 's only possible defences are either : ( 1 ) that he has performed the covenants ; or ( 2 ) that the relevant assignee has performed the covenants ; or ( 3 ) there has been some other operation conducted upon the lease — for example surrender of the whole — which has put a complete end to the liability to pay rent .
42 ‘ I thought it over again and I have decided there must be an announcement , because it would indicate the merits of the matter and make it perfectly clear that I was in the right . ’
43 That was one of the reasons why , when we set up Headline , I called myself sales and publicity director , as opposed to marketing director , because I wanted to make it perfectly clear that we were a combined department .
44 And you made it perfectly clear that nothing less would do .
45 And that she had made it perfectly clear that , to her , fidelity and trust meant more than just nothing — meant everything , in fact .
46 He sounded annoyed , and Robbie felt a wave of irritation at his cavalier attitude towards her , but since he had made it perfectly clear that he did n't appreciate her intruding on his private life …
47 The answer on this subject that I gave in November made it perfectly clear that the decision is mine and nobody else 's .
48 In response to the hon. Gentleman 's second question , my hon. Friend the Minister of State , Northern Ireland Office , made it perfectly clear that we will not make any comment whatever on that case while it is proceeding .
49 It is noticeable that a number of other politicians abroad have made it perfectly clear that this country becomes a more attractive place for investment — and therefore for jobs and prosperity — because we are not committed to the costs of the social chapter .
50 My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has made it perfectly clear that we have no intention of increasing VAT .
51 The hon. Member for Hornchurch ( Mr. Squire ) and the Secretary of State made it perfectly clear that the Government believe that the fairest and best means of raising local government finance is through a property tax .
52 If the reader is tempted to doubt the general validity of such a concrete and specific historical instance , let me remind him that Campanella — an ostensibly Christian author , be it noted — makes it perfectly clear that in his socialist utopia , the City of the Sun , ‘ no one can receive gifts from another .
53 ‘ But you made it perfectly clear that you disapproved of shipboard romances .
54 But they have made it perfectly clear that the council is prepared to fight for compensation if the companies it holds responsible do not pay up .
55 Liberal Democrat candidate Peter Bergg said : ‘ We have made it perfectly clear that we intend to invest lots of money in training .
56 ‘ In publicly announcing the withdrawal of its remaining occupation forces from Korea , the US should make it unmistakably clear that this step in no way constitutes a lessening of US support of the Government of the Republic of Korea , but constitutes rather another step towards the regularisation by the US of its relations with that Government and a fulfilment on the part of the US of the relevant provision of the GA Resolution [ UN General Assembly ] of December 12 , 1948 . ’
57 But she made it immediately clear that she regarded the two policemen as being of a social order little higher than the servants .
58 ‘ The persistent concern to increase councillor calibre through reorganization ’ , he says , ‘ makes it equally clear that the essential object of reorganization has been to make local government more functional for dominant interests , by restructuring it so as to facilitate their direct control of its expenditure and interventions ’ ( 1979 , p. 245 ) .
59 He drew a clear division between the " free " world and the Communist world , and made it equally clear that if the Soviet Union tried to expand into the free world the USA was prepared to act .
60 Halliday makes it admirably clear that talk of the ‘ international community ’ is fraudulent ; ‘ Resolution 678 is a travesty of the UN ’ .
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