Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] back towards " in BNC.

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1 When the meeting is over Jane and I walk back towards our own department , past the sightseers waiting outside the security barriers at the end of Downing Street .
2 When I glance back towards Dirkin , I see a fourth man coming to join him .
3 As we head back towards Heimæy I watch the last of the light tinkering with the wave-tops .
4 The British people may be astonished how quickly all the ground so painfully won over 13 years is lost again , and how speedily we slide back towards collectivism and dependency , becoming a society in which the only competition is between rival rows of begging bowls at the knees of the state .
5 Obediently , resignedly , he swings the car round in a dangerous U-turn at the next intersection and they flash back towards the airport , the jewel factories and towerblocks of the Bangkok suburbs thinning out again to the dim outlines of swampy fields pierced by palmtree plantations .
6 She watched him walk back towards her raising his hat in greeting .
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