Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] they ca " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know , people l I 'm of them say they ca n't afford to pay the kids , and get the food for the kids , and they 'll have to give them chips a couple of , every day of the week or whatever , but th there 's no need for that .
2 Hearing dogs for the deaf have become increasingly popular over the past ten years — now the staff who train them say they ca n't cope with the demand .
3 I mean they ca n't even be kind to each other let alone other people . ’
4 I mean they ca n't even go to the shops sometimes and they 're not safe .
5 Er so I mean that c because er I mean they the steel balls and steel rollers go into the bin I mean they ca n't be used for anything .
6 Cos they are quite tame , I mean that 's one thing about the hens I mean they ca n't come out though , they just wander about .
7 Yes , yeah but when it gets burnt down you , I mean they ca n't
8 Ju well you know , I mean they ca n't get up to much but
9 I mean they ca n't , they ca n't possibly do everything for everybody at the right time I mean
10 And if they look after a customer like that I mean they ca n't be faulty , can they ?
11 Well , I think they must get out , I mean they ca n't live like that .
12 whatever I say they ca n't hear me .
13 I know they ca n't help it , it 's their way of living but
14 well I know they ca n't help that
15 Yeah I suppose they ca n't have red can they ?
16 ‘ And I bet they ca n't play either .
17 at the beginning , I do n't think they like it they just smoke , and then obviously it becomes it 's a drug and then , you know they ca n't get off it obviously and le
18 then n you know they ca n't cope with it .
19 I mean Forest are pulling everybody behind the ball and you know they ca n't just sling the ball through .
20 And you know they ca n't go , this one ca n't go earlier than that one because we 've got the sequence and so if we got through these steps , I think that those steps are the same steps that we go through on any project .
21 Well thing is that I mean a lot of these jobs , I mean er yeah they recognize that , I mean a lot of them yo they think you 're as thick as shit and treat you like you 're as thick as shit just because you 're doing a thick as shit job but you know they ca n't necessarily give you more
22 Well no even his mum , you know they ca n't cope with two .
23 Okay but you can learn quite a bit you could check any of the food or the drinks that you 've got in the house you could at those to see how you spell them ca n't you .
24 America has got to do that , Russia is broken up so it 's lesser than it is , in fact it 's going down , if only they 'd look , but you see they ca n't do it now without outside help .
25 Oh yes it 's , it 's been changed a lot and a , and er , it 's made such a difference and I 've met er , I 've got a er fr a very good friend who 's , who 's a Red Cross young man who I met at Leah Manning and he takes me out in the car which I would n't , never get out otherwise because my boys are all working you see they ca n't , they 're busy working and erm do shift work and security work , one 's got his own security business and the other one 's got a factory in Bishop 's Stortford so that they do n't get much chance , they work away , some of them do that they can not get to take me out see , so he takes me out , which he 's very , very good you know , he 's , yesterday he took me to erm , yesterday we , he took me to Ongar to see his sister in the bungalow and then he took me for a meal at erm The Chariot at er , at Brentwood , Brentwood , yes Brentwood The Chariot , it was quite nice I had rather , a good time , erm cos usually I ca n't get out unless I go out in the wheelchair you see I 'm confined to a wheelchair , though I struggle out into the kitchen with me two sticks and I 've got a stool in there that I do all my own cooking and I make cakes and that and I 'm doing a cake gon na make a cake for Christmas for me brother and make a cake , er another one for myself like , but , and then I go to my erm daughter-in-law 's to spend Christmas Day and then I , I 'm going to my son 's and spend Boxing Day which is my birthday , I 'll be seventy four on Boxing Day I 'm dreaded to say , yeah , but erm , this young man that takes me lives in Northbrooks , he 's er a widower , but he 's very , very good , he helps all us old people , you know , he 's ever so good he is to me , he comes up and brings my shopping today , does my shopping for me as well , so , well he 's , yes , he 's most kind , for , nearly two years I 've know him , that 's a photo over there , it was taken at a wedding look , of my , that 's it , over there , taken at a wedding dear , very good
26 Like , say they 've been out on a run and there 's a call , they say they ca n't go out because they 're not in uniform and are all sweaty ’ ( FN 26/5/87 , p. 27 ) .
27 I 'm saying this because GCSE includes a section on improvisation , and a lot of teachers ca n't do it ; they say they ca n't do it …
28 because , you know , erm , most kids these days , especially by the time they 're nine or ten , they 're used to having their own pocket money , and then you , and they say they ca n't do any maths at all , and you say well , if you had a fifty pence and you bought something for twenty four , how much change ?
29 And they can do maths , they just , it 's just that when you call it maths they say they ca n't do it .
30 They say they ca n't afford it , we say that we must afford it .
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