Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] outside the " in BNC.

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1 It takes my tired brain another second to realise that these are the two I met outside the Star and Garter .
2 Selvini Palazzoli quotes a dream related by one of these latter cases : ‘ On my way home from the convent I stopped outside the hospital .
3 I wait outside the Coronet cinema , at the usual place .
4 I arrived outside the dressing-room .
5 Yeah every time I get me take-away curry from Ripon I park outside the house that 's somebody comes and he says you ca n't park there .
6 When I arrive outside the refuge where I am to stay for several weeks ; it is a house with no name .
7 But then I arrive outside the house .
8 ‘ When I was 16 , I sang outside the window of a girls ' school .
9 I went outside the hut , and there was Holmes .
10 I went outside the hut , and there was Holmes .
11 Tightening the cord of my pyjamas , blinkered by my loosened hair , I listened outside the door of North One , where the sound had led me , a musical instrument playing a familiar tune , I could n't recall the name ; playing it so far , stumbling on a phrase and returning to the beginning .
12 I listened outside the door and heard a man 's voice .
13 Actually I 've got a , I 've got a brilliant picture that I took outside the train .
14 I hesitated outside the door , and for just too long .
15 All right so why am I standing outside the door of the canteen … ?
16 I waited outside the window and watched .
17 Oh , I stood outside the primary school this morning and spoke to the other mothers , and none of them want anything to do with it .
18 Councillors in Harrow , North London , wo n't allow that because she lives outside the school 's catchment area .
19 Bosses of the Tory-controlled authority say she can not stay in the school because she lives outside the priority area .
20 She stopped outside the door .
21 She parked outside the garage and turned off the engine .
22 She parked outside the high brick wall rather than driving on to the forecourt , and as if he sensed her reluctance to enter the house again he did n't attempt to invite her inside — but neither did he make any attempt to get out of the car , and they sat in silence in the light from an overhead street-lamp .
23 Please would you step outside the car ? ’
24 I think it 's a bit desolate in places and a bit ram shackled , shanty fashion and , once you get outside the town .
25 Would you go outside the area to fight blacks ?
26 Madame Martin , she had heard the doctor tell Madeleine when she listened outside the door : probably only had a week to live .
27 She went outside the church with him .
28 In the dark little passage she hesitated outside the door of the front room .
29 Rye Church , standing high on its hill , makes a landmark across the marshes ; the high ground above the town walls is called the Citadel ; if you live outside the walls your address is Rye Foreign .
30 If yours has n't reached you by the end of July , or you live outside the London area but fancy coming up for the occasion , please phone Pensions Department on freefone 0800 262 072 .
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