Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] told he " in BNC.

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1 I am told he has been preparing some appropriate acts .
2 I am told he is turning to wolves for the next .
3 I did n't know him , but I 'm told he was a very nice man . ’
4 Had a slight operation and er I did n't know about it until today so erm er Paul 's going to offer him our good wishes and we 're going to be , I 'm told he 's home again and it 's , it 's only quite a minor operation and he 's quite well and that er hopefully will be back again next week .
5 I 'm told he 's a bit of a recluse . ’
6 I 'm told he has left the city with the American from the university hospital .
7 Yeah and then er I 'm told he works
8 ‘ When I made inquiries , I was told he was last seen headin' for Castlebar .
9 ‘ Well , ’ Yanto began hastily , ‘ I was told he got pinned down for a week in no-man 's land during the battle of the Somme in 1916 .
10 I was told he 'd been spotted playing the fruit machines at lunch-time .
11 I was told he was a scientist , a genius , but …
12 I was told he refuses point-blank to be photographed or give interviews . ’
13 I was told he was interested so I wrote to him asking for advice on my career .
14 ‘ Then suddenly you are told he is alive .
15 She nodded mutely , and while she did as she was told he went over to the bed where Effie had begun to writhe and cry out , and her pains , which were erratic , had started again — that they were so erratic was another bad sign , Dr Neil quietly explained .
16 We are told he could outpace a pack of hounds and catch a fleeing fox with ease , and run from Porth to Llantrisant in the time it took his mother to boil a kettle .
17 On Weathertop we are told he had no such conscious and immoral thought .
18 It stars Nolte , although we 're told he wo n't actually sing but he plays the dad of someone who does .
19 At the last festival , Ib Anderson was the undoubted star , and we were told he was leaving immediately after the festival to join New York City ballet .
20 But when the Mirror attempted to contact MISTER Hooton we were told he was unavailable … by a colleague calling herself MISS Russell .
21 We were told he might have got aggressive or moody but he had n't been any different from usual .
22 I said what would I like to say , disgusted with the way he 's been treated , I said my father left intensive care at one o'clock on Friday , we was told he was gon na leave there at four o'clock to go home and have a meal and be with him when he went on the ward , when we came back , he 'd been moved , he 'd gone on the ward , he was plonked in the chair , his catheter was on his lap , it had leaked all over him , his dressing was hanging off and seeping with green stuff the wound on his leg was run all down over his foot , he 'd got no cover on his seat so he could see , Dave said they looked and they did n't look very bloody nice
23 Then they 're told he had 230 burglary convictions
24 They were told he :
25 ‘ He 's got a two-year-old son called Richard and they were told he had cystic fibrosis .
26 After three days the family made the agonising decision to switch the machine off when they were told he would not recover .
27 On the day he is told he has been cured , Henry receives a mysterious female visitor who introduces herself as a fellow thief .
28 BRIAN HALL : ‘ At that particular moment in time we have a manager that has got himself into the semi-final of the FA Cup , he 's got the opportunity of reaching Wembley , he 's had a difficult time in the League , it 's been a traumatic season okay , then he 's told he needs triple by-pass surgery at the age of 39 .
29 He 's told he has to use a bucket and spade to empty the Atlantic ocean in 24 hours .
30 When he finally named seven people he was told he should be comforted by the fact that all of them were already under subpoena to appear .
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