Example sentences of "[adj] hole in the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes it is the Had I But Known what grim secret lurked beneath the smiling exterior I would never have set foot within the door ; Sometimes the Had I But Known then what I know now , I could have saved at least three lives by revealing to the Inspector the conversation I heard through that fortuitous hole in the floor .
2 A muddy hole in the ground !
3 Drill and plug one hole in the wall , using the top hole in the slotted strip .
4 But further , if species of jazz and rock are accepted as potentially ‘ authentic ’ , this knocks a theoretical hole in the approach , for in the recordings of , say , Frank Zappa , Carla Bley or The Art of Noise ( the last inspired by Luigi Russolo 's 1913 futurist manifesto L'arte dei rumori ) we have examples of avant-garde commodities — a combination which , according to Adorno , is impossible .
5 No banks , no faces — look at the old photographs — just an unkempt hole in the ground , probably made by sheep .
6 Instantly he slackened speed and punched out a sizeable hole in the shattered glass with his clenched fist .
7 He looked at the still slightly smoking hole in the couch , just beside where he 'd sat , then up at the holes in the ceiling .
8 He felt the heat of the bullet as it whined angrily past , missing his forehead by a hairsbreadth , and exited via a starred hole in the driver 's window by his side .
9 ‘ The thing is , ’ she said , ‘ that he still thinks I 'm the person he used to know when we all lived in the old hole in the bank .
10 They cheer and jeer , clutch candles in the freezing night air and wave Romanian flags with the symbolic hole in the centre where once the emblem of the Communist era was stitched .
11 I can put up with missing pizzicato detailing at bar 383 of the first movement — one of Beethoven 's happiest small orchestral fancies , beautifully brought out by Böhm and the VPO on DG — but the second violins ' inaudibility as they pick up the shepherd 's song of thanksgiving leaves a gruesome hole in the texture .
12 The assembly can then be guided until the screw locates a previously bored hole in the surrounding frame and a few turns made until it is firmly engaged .
13 I cried for a long time when I saw that big dark hole in the ground , and we put his body in the grave .
14 Later the collision fenders were painted white to be seen in the blackout and sticky netting fixed to the window glass to prevent splintering ; there was a small diamond shaped hole in the centre , through which passengers were expected to discover where they were .
15 nail and tack remover , using the specially shaped hole in the blade
16 Fill a small greaseproof piping bag with a little white royal icing and snip a tiny hole in the end , or use a number 1 writing nozzle .
17 Hundreds of them suddenly erupt from a tiny hole in the sand and start sprinting across the dune looking for the bodies of insects that may have collapsed from heat stress .
18 In Europe , it used to be believed that devils took up residence inside pigs by entering through a tiny hole in the forefoot .
19 A wood fire in the centre adds to the warmth , the smoke exiting , together with yet more of those mosquitos , through a central hole in the roof .
20 Light passes through this to the pupil ( the central hole in the iris ) , the iris itself being composed of circular muscles which are visible as the blue , brown or hazel colour of the eye .
21 All the optimism of the summer had evaporated , and we now faced another winter and Christmas without our families in this cold hole in the ground .
22 I noticed for the first rime that there was a little hole in the door .
23 Julie holds the doll up high ‘ to get all the water from inside her ’ and is fascinated to watch it stream out from a little hole in the doll 's big toe .
24 FROM time immemorial drinking water came from a dirty little hole in the ground .
25 in this little hole in the side of the box with a wide angle lens .
26 this little hole in the middle , that one 's bigger because that 's er the right hand one to go over the grip , over the throttle ,
27 The bullet had torn a jagged hole in the side of the keg but there was no sign of the deadly plutonium she had imagined would be seeping out into the atmosphere .
28 One moment I was revelling in the astonishment of being alive , and the next — I was lying flat on my face , with what felt like a very large hole in the right side of my skull …
29 About twenty feet from the trench , in the centre of the dirt track leading to the road two Commandos were standing peering into a large hole in the ground .
30 He got to his fret and dusting himself down saw a large hole in the door behind him .
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