Example sentences of "[adj] chance of [be] " in BNC.

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1 A magnificent 5–1 victory over Carlisle in NorthEast Division One leaves them on top of the table with only a slim chance of being caught .
2 A male 's vigour in display may also indicate to the female a mate with whose genes hers can mix with a high chance of being passed on through future generations .
3 Bryozoans found as fossils have calcium carbonate ( calcite ) skeletons that have a high chance of being preserved , and the fossil forms seem to have been exclusively marine ( some living bryozoans live in fresh water ) .
4 In a Plinian eruption , it 's usually impossible to pin down the site of the vent exactly , since it stands a high chance of being obliterated or destroyed by the eruption itself .
5 Not only was there a relatively high chance of being wrecked , there was also a good chance of saving the cargo , since.the huge tuns of wine could float and might drift ashore with some 200 gallons unharmed inside each one .
6 So if , for example , I believe that you 've got your belief about whether there 's honey by an especially good method which I ca n't use ( because I ca n't get at your honey pot ) , then I will naturally want to adopt your belief , in order to acquire with it its high chance of being true .
7 Whether you are out of work and applying for a lot of jobs , or in employment but looking to change , there is only any point in applying for positions where you have a real chance of being successful .
8 Sunday 's derby game at Newcastle could come too soon for Owers but Bennett has a real chance of being fit .
9 What if I had a 90 per cent chance of surviving , but my child had a similar chance of being badly handicapped ?
10 But when we 're dealing as we are in this case , with fraud , then clearly there has to be regulations , there has to be er primary legislation er so that was the point I 'm making but as I say , it 's not just me , it 's the stock exchange , the S I B , all of them believe that we need a single enforcement body to look at these matters and I do wish perhaps the minister does but the government must acc eople and a number of ople obviously with a number of traumas and a number of di exploit the different rules and regulations and to get through them because they know they are never going to be caught and the little chance of being prosecuted and even if they are prosecuted er then the chances of being convicted are remote and even if they are convicted I 'm afraid that the judicial shi system shows er that the worst they can expect is a few hours mowing the grass in front of an old folks home or perhaps a few months er in the country residence , albeit owned by Her Majesty .
11 Taylor and Urquhart observe that , for the great majority of research materials , use of an item declines rapidly about three years after publication , so that after this period any book has an equally low chance of being used .
12 Any rock lying around on the frozen continent stands a good chance of being a meteorite as — the occasional ice-piercing mountain aside — there is nowhere else to come from but the heavens .
13 Making a stock of suitable pictures and then sending them in at a steady trickle to the news editor throughout the year gives your children 's work a good chance of being chosen .
14 So with regard to these beings , the Chewong know that they are vulnerable to attack , but that if they take proper care in their day-to-day behaviour and avoid places where potentially harmful beings are known to live and set their traps , they have a fairly good chance of being healthy and fit .
15 And pure substances tailored to neurotransmitter sites would have a good chance of being free of unpleasant side effects elsewhere in the body .
16 There is a good chance of being disturbed by a wandering monster the longer Samson remains in a particular location . )
17 And so long as all citizens stand a good chance of being among the majority on at least some of the major and significant issues , most if not all will be content to accept the majority principle .
18 Innovators therefore have a good chance of being left alone for a long time .
19 Erm been tending to concentrate on specific things which you know stand a good chance of being on the paper , and even if they 're not will help you with others .
20 it must be politically acceptable , with strong support both from lenders and money advisers and with a good chance of being implemented by government .
21 And if your victim happens to be conveniently close to the edge of a tall cliff , by the time he 's bounced down a couple of hundred metres on to the rocks , he 'll be in such a mess that the injury from the blow stands a good chance of being overlooked .
22 As long as the basic construction of NiCad batteries has n't changed , I can see no justification for complete discharge and agree that it stands a good chance of being harmful .
23 I do indeed keep a list of questions , but I advise hon. Members representing Scottish constituencies that the next time we have Scottish Questions those hon. Members who have been called today will not stand quite such a good chance of being included next time .
24 Applicants who will have met the minimum academic entrance requirements by the time they enter university stand a good chance of being made an offer : those who have already met these requirements before applying will receive unconditional offers , while those with examinations still to take will receive conditional offers .
25 It did seem , however , that Donna Hazell , the girl with leukaemia , stood a very good chance of being cured if she had a bone-marrow transplant .
26 Dear Mr Westgate , I think we should have more footpaths or we might have a good chance of being killed .
27 A man with a poor employment history , who has lost several jobs and experienced intermittent phases of unemployment , has a considerably raised probability of becoming depressed when he is again made redundant ( Eales , 1985 ) , but will also have a raised chance of being near the top of an employer 's list for redundancy in so far as it is the policy of many employers to exercise a ‘ last in first out ’ policy .
28 Genetically speaking , the reason for this is that all the cells except the sex cells in a wolf 's body have the same genes , while , as for the sex cells , all the genes have an equal chance of being in each one of them .
29 I was , however , systematic about the 30 or so in-depth interviews that I conducted on a random sample basis by allocating each member of the movement in Britain a number which had an equal chance of being selected from a book of numbers especially prepared for such purposes .
30 If we choose every tenth or every twentieth name , then this is called quasi-random sampling , since not every name on the list has an equal chance of being chosen .
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