Example sentences of "[adj] authorities might [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Town and Country Planning Act ( 1968 ) and Town and Country Planning ( Scotland ) Act ( 1969 ) introduced a system of structure and local plans , apparently endorsing a vision in which planning departments of different authorities might integrate their development strategies into a coherent network , supervised by the Department of the Environment , the Welsh Office and the Scottish Development Department within the Scottish Office .
2 The project is concerned with the question of how competition works to determine what bus services are provided at what fares , and how the outcomes in the new regime compare both with theoretical optima and with what public authorities might choose .
3 ‘ We are ready for any onslaught that the white authorities might try to launch against us , ’ Mr Rockman said after the first meeting in his home on Monday of the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union .
4 These authorities accepted powers that strengthened local or regional elected authorities might have been expected to obtain .
5 In his reply on 2 August [ KP 6 ] Eden put the second view , which was that it was essential to return Soviet prisoners to the Soviet Union , because otherwise the Soviet authorities might make difficulties over the large number of British and allied Prisoners of War in those parts of Europe which would be liberated by the Soviet Union .
6 First , some local authorities might give ‘ excessive paid leave to employees who are councillors on other authorities ’ ( Widdicombe 1986 : 11 1 ) .
7 Given these kinds of powers , benefits and resources , it is interesting to speculate upon what the appropriate local authorities might have done during this period .
8 We are looking at ways in which the internal management of local authorities might become more effective .
9 Many health educators and local authorities might find it surprising and worrying that any schools could omit such basic concerns as diet and personal health or such high profile topical issues as drug education and HIV/AIDS .
10 It had no business goodwill and was not permitted to trade ; nor did it have shareholders ; ( 5 ) in failing to take proper account of the fact that it logically followed that if a local government corporation could sue for libel in respect of its governing reputation then so too could any institution of central government ( including , for example , a government department which was a statutory corporation such as the Department of the Environment ) ; ( 6 ) in the premises in considering that there was no uncertainty or ambiguity in English law in relation to the extent to which local authorities might sue for libel .
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