Example sentences of "[adj] eyes [vb past] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 For a few moments her still-sleepy eyes refused to focus on the dramatic black handwriting .
2 His dark eyes began to glow .
3 The dark eyes seemed to soften .
4 For one fleeting moment the dark eyes seemed to dance .
5 Guido paused and the dark eyes seemed to pounce on her suddenly .
6 She had not meant that , Ashley thought frantically , at least not in the way his husky intonation was making it sound , not how the look in his dark eyes seemed to imply .
7 The dark eyes seemed to flay her alive .
8 Then the dark eyes seemed to darken .
9 His ice-blue eyes seemed to touch her every feature , one by one .
10 Even in death their lips were curled in a snarl ; their wizened faces and staring , blank eyes seemed to gloat over the evil they had planned .
11 He stared at Alexei , and the pupils in his amber eyes seemed to expand , then contract again .
12 In one corner stood a case of stuffed fish whose glassy eyes seemed to gaze with malevolence at the newcomers .
13 The discovery was painful , and his heavy-lidded eyes narrowed to shut out the picture she made with them .
14 He nodded , and his grey-green eyes seemed to grow darker as he scanned her , below him , looking up at him , his gaze travelling quickly over her face to her breasts ; she brought an arm up involuntarily , to shield herself from his looking .
15 The beautiful eyes seemed to have the same dark depths as those of her brother but they did not have his sharp , probing gaze .
16 Her heavy eyes refused to stay open .
17 Do you know , I really thought he was going to tell me something , but his protuberant eyes refused to meet mine .
18 The black glittering eyes seemed to tear at her like scissors .
19 His sombre eyes seemed to address each individual personally , in the way that a schoolmaster delivers a final warning to wayward pupils .
20 ‘ Only ten ! ’ his big , grey eyes seemed to say .
21 Stared and stared — and her grey eyes seemed to grow larger and brighter .
22 Its bluish-black eyes seemed to focus on her for the first time .
23 Two small girls with almond-shaped Inca eyes wanted to press another gaseosa on me .
24 Michele 's silvery-green eyes seemed to look straight into her brain , and for what seemed minutes , but could only have been split-seconds , Luce stood paralysed , before shaking her head .
25 Little shooting beams of light played over the scene of the sea and the crates of bananas as her lowered eyes struggled to cope with the brightness of the sun that had entered them .
26 The poised self-control seemed to disintegrate , and the green eyes began to glint a little wildly .
27 Laughter flickered round her lips , and the green eyes seemed to cast their glances everywhere .
28 Why would a man like him be attracted to a girl who , for a lot of the time , looked rather like a gypsy ? those cool green eyes seemed to say .
29 Margaret 's big green eyes seemed to have taken possession of the whole of her face .
30 Beneath winged brows his deep-set eyes seemed to stare unnervingly into hers .
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