Example sentences of "[adj] power [coord] the " in BNC.

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1 On the two biggest international issues confronting the UK — the resurgence of German power and the ecological threat — there is equally little that any party is prepared to do : the former is the basis for a future stability of the EC , the latter has already reached such ominous proportions that , as is evident in the evasions preceding the Rio summit , governments the world over are hiding their heads in the sand .
2 It was a world in which clerical power and the military power of the local representatives of secular rulers eclipsed the civilian administrator .
3 It is interesting that despite this some writers are still prepared nevertheless to claim Foucault as a Marxist — perhaps less an indication of his Marxism than of his discursive power and the lack of alternatives within Marxism today .
4 The first two clauses asserted the illegality of the suspending power and the dispensing power " as it has been assumed and exercised of late " , when used without the consent of Parliament .
5 It would be a society in which the people would have ‘ absolute power and the full range of rights ’ , and it would be based on both the ‘ finest traditions of Soviet democracy and the experience of mankind 's democratic evolution ’ .
6 Both the issue of imperial power and the question of foreign contacts became sticks with which to beat the Bakufu .
7 The bases of power are coercion , or the ability to apply physical sanctions ; remuneration or the ability to control rewards ; normative power or the control of symbolic rewards ; and knowledge , or the control of information .
8 Concern about the relation between national power and the strength of the population was not of course new .
9 Bidders include PowerGen , National Power and the water companies .
10 It has been suggested that the three previous waves were associated respectively with the steam engine , the railways , and then electric power and the automobile .
11 Thus he expresses the realisation that in the still mourning is a moving power and the lyric ends with another juxtaposition , this time of two positive certainties , of the reality of the vision longed for , and of the recognition that the power to realise it is love which on man 's part essentially expresses its dynamic nature by means of patience , " the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting " .
13 Headlines of that period will recall some of the concerns : the assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Dr Martin Luther King ( the previous year ) ; Black Power and the police shoot-outs with Black Panthers ; the continuing Vietnam War , claiming its 40,000th American victim ; fever-pitch anti-war demonstrations and the symbolic burning of draft cards ; draft-dodgers escaping to Canada ; massive public demonstrations for peace in every major western city ; and two million acres defoliated in South Vietnam by the beginning of 1969 .
14 We know that the congress has the legislative power but the president has a veto .
15 ‘ The constitutional function performed by courts of justice as interpreters of the written law laid down in Acts of Parliament is often described as ascertaining ‘ the intention of Parliament ; ’ but what this metaphor , though convenient , omits to take into account is that the court , when acting in its interpretative role , as well as when it is engaged in reviewing the legality of administrative action , is doing so as mediator between the state in the exercise of its legislative power and the private citizen for whom the law made by Parliament constitutes a rule binding upon him and enforceable by the executive power of the state .
16 These plants were supposed to provide fuel for a new generation of ‘ fast ’ reactors which would burn plutonium , but neither the demand for nuclear power nor the performance of fast reactors has met the planners ' expectations , and the cost of uranium fuel has dropped .
17 ‘ How many times worse than 200 unsightly windmills is the radioactive product of a nuclear power or the CO 2 emissions of one coal-fired station ? ‘ ask Energy Committee in its report of the hearings .
18 Leaving out nuclear power and the renewables , the most favoured low carbon dioxide fuel is natural gas ( which is largely methane , another greenhouse gas ) .
19 Environmental pollution through smoke , de-afforestation , the development of conurbations ( large built-up areas ) or the use of nuclear power and the disposal of its waste products must be weighed up by a country 's government ( and the world community ) against potential income growth .
20 Links between nuclear power and the incidence of cancer was not a matter of specific concern in that review .
21 As I explain in more detail in a recent report for the Electricity Consumers ' Council ( Nuclear Power and the Economic Interests of Consumers ) the CEGB 's figures for nuclear fuel-cycle costs are extremely limited and contain internal inconsistencies .
22 The levy is used to subsidise nuclear power and the development of tidal and wind power .
23 5.6.6 Post-Chernobyl Attitudes to Nuclear Power and the Risk of Nuclear Accidents
24 Hang on to the back stick and full power and the model should right itself .
25 The chief difficulty with the state autonomy thesis is not the emphasis upon the sui generis basis of organizational or bureaucratic power but the lack of any clear operational distinction between what counts as ‘ the state ’ and what counts as ‘ society ’ .
26 It had been an organised demonstration of Fascist power and the authority of leadership .
27 I will also seek to show how many parallels can be drawn between the arguments used to legitimate corporate managerial power and the arguments used in administrative law to explain , control and legitimate the power conferred upon administrative bodies .
28 The band performed at the very peak of their live power and the volatile Scottish crowds responded accordingly .
29 While the key features of each — the limited liability company , the use of collective bargaining and the state provision of welfare — all have something of a Christian basis in terms of providing outlets for savings , strengthening the family , and correcting injustice and providing for those in need , nevertheless it is easy to see how they can become taken over by humanistic philosophy — so that they become unlimited freedom to create wealth , the use of collective power and the denial of individual merit and the state as the alternative for the family and private charity .
30 But this time the engine was giving only intermittent power and the pilot was unable to maintain height .
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