Example sentences of "[adj] control [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Only the results from the first treatment with the heater probe were included in the statistical analysis although a definitive control of the bleeding was achieved sometimes after additional sessions .
2 Social control of the rank and file , in its formal disciplinary guise , had a multitude of possibilities .
3 Social control of the streets , not crime control , was the major historically derived police function when these officers were recruited through the Everton Police Training School .
4 Alongside the positive aspects of the social control of the villages were the negative .
5 For an essential element in the mores and in personal morality is consistency , consistency of the type that is natural in the social control of the primary group .
6 Democratic rights ( such as press freedom or voting rights ) merely foster social control over the hearts and minds of workers by virtue of capitalists ' property resources .
7 The second function of the professional-managerial class is to exercise social control over the working class .
8 membership provides a means of social control in the workplace both because those recruited have an obligation to preserve the reputation of their sponsors and also because , in some cases , family authority principles can be transferred from the home to the job , e.g. as with a ‘ dads ’ lads ' recruitment system .
9 Lawyer C was not amenable to informal social control from the very strong local Law Society , because he was not eligible for membership .
10 The family has probably always been a major source of violence — consider the wealth of folk stories and songs that deal with cruel sisters , feuding brothers , and infanticide — but now the violence may be more hidden , less open to immediate social control from the wider community , at least until it is too late .
11 Whale ( 1977 , p. 80 ) has justified unregulated commercial control of the press by arguing that ‘ a newspaper controlled by a commercial group writes inhibitedly about a handful of concerns at most ; a paper owned by the state , the effective alternative , would be guarded in its outlook on whole areas of the national life ’ .
12 In these elite theory accounts , then , political leadership principally consists of maintaining an impression of public control over the state apparatus as a whole , and developing slogans or political formulae useful in mobilizing voter or interest group support .
13 These facts raise important issues of accountability such as : should there be any public control over the funding and internal organization of pressure groups ?
14 There must also be a place for ‘ commodity-money relations ’ , or in other words the market , which was an ‘ irreplaceable means for the flexible economic coordination of production with growing and constantly changing public requirements and an important instrument of public control over the quality of goods and the costs of their production ’ .
15 He is also expected to attack Mr Prescott 's call for public control of the tunnel .
16 We will restore public control of the National Grid and give it new duties and powers to ensure the long-term security of electricity supplies .
17 EC Commission vice-president , Sir Leon Brittan , has promised the European Parliament that he will investigate claims that the Italian authorities have been using unfair means to acquire public control of the Italian chemical industry .
18 The Left 's response , quite correctly in some respects , is to counter the authoritarianism of the state with demands for public control of the strong arm of the state , a demand which has found force in the escalating evidence of state violence in Ireland and in England police abuse of the people in the name of protection of the people .
19 An Expert Committee on Compensation and Betterment had been set up in January under the chairmanship of Mr Justice Uthwatt with terms of reference ‘ to make an objective analysis of the subject of the payment of compensation and recovery of betterment in respect of public control of the use of land ’ .
20 Finally , some looked to the ‘ increasing ordering of economic organisation by the conscience of the community , and a great extension of public control in the use of private property and in industrial relations ’ .
21 The direction in which the carriage knits or slips is controlled by which Part button you choose on the Brother , which Empty control on the Toyota and the positions of the side levers on the Knitmaster and Silver machines .
22 On the Brother , if the Part button nearest the knitting is in , or on the Toyota you 've chosen the Empty control nearest the knitting , or on the Knitmaster the side lever nearest the knitting is forward , then the NEXT row will slip .
23 By this time , the schools frequented by Roman catholics in Ireland were also largely under the direct control of the church 's clerics .
24 The debate within Labour 's ranks was then about how far and how fast they should be brought under the direct control of the state .
25 Defence and foreign policy , including Europe , remain under the direct control of the president .
26 When the idea of a Premier League was floated at Lancaster Gate a year ago , many of us welcomed what we were led to believe was a plan to revitalise the game , at club and international levels , with the replacement of the First Division by an 18-member competition under the direct control of the FA .
27 BORIS Yeltsin , the Russian President , suffered two serious blows last night when the country 's highest parliament voted to strip him of direct control of the government by July , and Ukraine made clear it would not ratify a landmark arms treaty between the United States and the former Soviet Union .
28 The Household was divided into six main sections , all , theoretically , under the direct control of the Minister of the Household .
29 We have seen that the bulk of taxation in Yugoslavia is raised by governments or communities of interest which are outside of the direct control of the federal government .
30 The resources within the enterprise are under the direct control of the managers of the enterprise .
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