Example sentences of "[adj] but once [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I said well what you do in your private life it 's up to you if you want to get drunk and you want to spend money then that 's fine but once you step over that clock tower I said and you start interfering with my work it 's a different thing , I said well I 've and I 've just said nothing because although you ai n't worked right , at least you 've sort of you 've work in this factory sort of in the morning , you 've got over it but
2 You get the first week will seem a bit strange but once you get the first week over you 're alright then .
3 This whole process appears long-winded and complicated but once you are familiar with it you can employ the strategy very quickly .
4 So what you 're going to do is erm sounds complicated but once you start you 'll see how it works .
5 The traffic in the town was heavy but once they were clear of Malaga it started to thin out .
6 The dress is very nice but once I 've got it on I realize I 'm just not in the mood for it .
7 I 've no idea how much they cost , but whatever 's left over will go towards the kitchen scissors — rather mundane I know but one of those things that 's not exactly necessary but once you 've got it you ca n't do without !
8 The bathroom 's a bit chilly but once you 've put that heater on and shut the door for a few minutes it 's
9 Lucy : ( At school ) there used to be a group of white girls and a group of black girls , right and y'know , they start … once they 're on their own they 're alright but once they 're with their people they get a bit lippy so they start callin' me black bastard — ‘ Look at you you mother fucker ’ — an' all that fing .
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