Example sentences of "[adj] for [det] sort " in BNC.

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1 That will be my key message , and the other thing I 'd like to emphasise today , and I 'd be very grateful for some sort of early response to that .
2 ‘ Only because you 're too old for that sort of thing .
3 He thought of following her and then changed his mind ; he was too old for that sort of gesture .
4 ‘ I suppose he 's a bit old for that sort of thing , ’ said Lili , ‘ although with that ridiculous car he drives he does seem to be trying to give an impression of boyish insouciance . ’
5 Or C , tell him you 're too old for that sort of mus , music ?
6 ‘ Getting too old for this sort of thing , ’ he told himself .
7 ‘ I am too old for this sort of thing . ’
8 ‘ I 'm getting too old for this sort of thing , ’ he said .
9 So yes it is absolutely appropriate for that sort of application .
10 One of life 's gourmets , she chose the fish , chips and mushy peas for £1 , and decided they were ‘ okay for that sort of money ’ , which was n't exactly reaching for superlatives .
11 He was still too confused for any sort of confrontation with the old man .
12 ‘ Thirteen days is fast for this sort of thing .
13 Indeed , Glasgow is a unique city in cultural terms , and ideal for this sort of event . ’
14 Under an Indian sun , the crowd moved briskly along the prom , chattering about the events of last night ( ‘ You would have thought she 'd be too tired for that sort of thing ’ ) and hoping , with an optimism undimmed by experience , that the day 's events would be as entertaining as they would be inspiring .
15 No this is too grand for that sort of thing .
16 We may not possess the same mind structure , the same subtle energy anatomy and function , but enough similarities are present for some sort of meaning to be conveyed .
17 They 're great for that sort of thing .
18 They are far too civilised for that sort of thing in Bangladesh , but I kept thinking wistfully of T. S. Eliot 's lines in Sweeney Agonistes about ‘ a nice little white little missionary stew ’ .
19 Damages are not normally available for this sort of misrepresentation , although the court does have a discretion to award damages instead of ( but not in addition to ) rescission — Misrepresentation Act 1967 , section 2(2) .
20 These are absolutely essential for any sort of lighting scheme that involves spot or floorlights .
21 Although we have been playing teams which have been going through crap periods , I think this has worked against us as all the opposition players and fans etc have been desperate for some sort of result .
22 The problem of meeting the probable needs and wishes of the wider constituency which might now be considered eligible for some sort of formal association with the University after obtaining a qualification therefore needs to be addressed .
23 There were people in Italy who felt that the country was ill-prepared for any sort of war : my father was one of them .
24 Keeping my eyes open for that sort of thing .
25 At a time when the feature industry was undergoing a re-examination and the documentary movement was split between filmmakers who felt that they should reach out to a cinema audience , and those like Grierson himself who preferred to exhibit films outside the theatre ( e.g. town halls , schools , etc. ) , the possibility was open for some sort of rapprochement between the documentary and the fiction film .
26 Documents like census ennumerator 's schedules , parish registers and registers of all kinds , some shipping records , certain kinds of crime and punishment records , and so on , are highly suitable for this sort of software .
27 I should give it a miss when you come up north , it 's a bit chilly for that sort of thing , though I could knit you a winter fig leaf .
28 Close inspection of Figure 3.3 , which is based on Wood 's simulation , show 's that two conditions have to be satisfied for this sort of result to emerge .
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