Example sentences of "[adj] and turned [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His fingers were sweaty , his touch proprietorial , and all at once she wrenched free and turned to the man who 'd come to her assistance .
2 But as she shook her hair free and turned to the door , she realised that Miguel was already missing .
3 The three men watched the animal snuffling among the elder and then , satisfied that he would nibble at the leaves , they left the stable and turned towards the house .
4 Argentinian anti-aircraft fire had brought down at least one Harrier pilot before the gun barrels were depressed and turned against the Paras .
5 In 1834 , the pseudonymous Paul Pry observed of Coleman , now ‘ stricken with years ’ , that ‘ Time has laid his temples bare And turned to white his once dark hair . ’
6 I was beginning to feel suspicious about my room , but when he opened a door with a key and turned on the light I saw a small clean room with a bed , a table and a chair .
7 In practice , thought , the Antares 130 was slightly thirsty and turned in a pto fuel consumption figure of 265g/kWhr. given a 20% power loss between engine and pto , this gives a fuel consumption figure for the engine of 238g/kWhr .
8 At the door I turn and look at Isabelle , who is half sitting up but asleep , her maroon dress neatly buttoned , her hair shiny and unmussed , her lips relaxed and full , her head heavy and turned to one side , her eyes glazed slits of half-slumber .
9 Tired of the wheedling tone , the persistent arrogance of the man , Cowley lost his cool and turned on the colonel .
10 He merely grunted something incomprehensible and turned on his heel , leaving her — as always — to follow .
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