Example sentences of "[adj] root [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had no conscious awareness of the Latin root of the name Hilary until Antonia Byatt pointed it out to me .
2 There is , however , considerable ignorance about the deep historical roots of the black presence in Britain , using the term black here to refer to African , Afro-Caribbean and South Asian communities .
3 The chapter begins by examining the historical roots of the present Troubles .
4 These groups had deep historical roots in the opening months of the First World War , which had seen the renewal of the sources of criticism of the radical right against the Liberal government .
5 The actuarial profession has its historical roots in the insurance industry and insurance companies still employ nearly 60% of the Institute 's Fellows .
6 They quickly learned how to use their snouts to lever edible roots from the ground , overturn grass tussocks for worms and locate resin ( pigs have a sweet tooth ) .
7 One of the richest and most ancient human civilisations lies today at the cultural roots of the world 's most economically vibrant region .
8 For modern secular Western man , severed from his cultural roots by the processes of industrialisation and secularisation , Marxism makes a real appeal .
9 The fact that TM has its direct roots in the Vedic Scriptures — the basis of Hinduism — is also brushed aside as irrelevant .
10 While violence on the field of play may generate tension and even trigger violence , one must probe a little deeper to discover the underlying social roots of the problem .
11 The outer concourse in glass and iron had its architectural roots in the exhibition halls of the nineteenth century .
12 The thread that runs through the epics , from the medieval roots to the nineteenth century , is of the struggle for survival of the Christian Slavs against the Turks .
13 Before the introduction of the potato the versatile root of the silverweed was commonly boiled in water , roasted on the fire , or dried and ground into meal for bread-making or porridge .
14 Introducing the soul boy concept of pure roots into the arena of disco kitsch is perverse , although understandable , given the enduring belief in dance music 's spiritual , cathartic purpose .
15 So far , we have restricted our attention to unrepeated real roots of the characteristic equation belonging to a matrix A ; we now consider the case of two equal real roots .
16 Briefly , empowerment education involves people in group efforts to identify their own problems , critically to analyze the cultural and socioeconomic roots of the problems , and to develop strategies to effect positive changes in their lives and in their communities .
17 They have paid attention to the academic , moral and philosophical roots of the movement .
18 Unfortunately , the question seemed to me something of a nonsense , as it involved the square root of a minus quantity .
19 If you attempt to calculate the square root of a negative number , a " -ve root " error will occur .
20 Well the square root of a number
21 In particular , it has been shown that the proper time between the collision and the subsequent singularity is inversely proportional to the square root of the amplitudes of the impulsive components of the approaching waves .
22 I could have called it k instead , but for reasons that become apparent in a moment we will be interested in the size of the square root of the number , so I have used
23 Square root of the fractional variance in mass density per unit ln k ( equation ( 5 ) ) as a function of ln k .
24 The square root of the sixty four is eight , the square root of the ten to the four ten squared .
25 The square root of the sixty four is eight , the square root of the ten to the four ten squared .
26 Price volatility for each week was measured as the square root of the average of daily squared price changes .
27 Volatility for futures prices was measured as the square root of the absolute value of the natural logarithm of the daily price relatives , multiplied by 252 , that is , .
28 Excluding the few outliers , we can calculate the square root of the average squared error over all subjects for each repetition .
29 To get back to Markowitz 's original proxy for the risk of a portfolio ( or for that matter an individual security ) , the standard deviation of the returns , one only has to find the square root of the total portfolio variance .
30 This shows that the distance between the chain ends , for this model is proportional to the square root of the number of bonds and so , is considerably shorter than a fully extended chain .
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