Example sentences of "[adj] feature be [art] " in BNC.

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1 The two most conspicuous features are the large holdings of UK securities , amounting to over 40 per cent of total assets and to about 60 per cent when combined with overseas securities .
2 The main difference between this method and that of semantic features is the level of detail they specify .
3 Despite these cautions , recent archaeological findings have provided much of value to the study of Earth Mysteries , particularly concerning the extent to which linear features were a prominent part of the prehistoric landscape , and the acceptance that monuments such as chambered ‘ tombs ’ had more of a ritual function .
4 For this purpose the salient features are the role of ‘ office ’ , the stress on procedural devices , the division of labour and the emphasis on hierarchy .
5 Within this regime , as it already existed by the end of the Civil War , the salient features were the prominent , but in no sense governing role of the FET ; the restoration of the Catholic Church to a position of monopoly in education and of powerful cultural influence ; the ruthless repression of all forms of opposition ; and above all , the unassailable position and total dominance of Franco himself .
6 Designed and built by the astronomer Andronicus Kyrrhestes of Macedonia in the second quarter of the first century BC , with a wind vane and complicated sundials on each of its eight walls , its most interesting feature is a reservoir in a smaller building that stood next to its south side .
7 Botanically the most interesting feature is the presence of Koenigia islandica pollen ( Edwards , 1979 ) , indicating that K. islandica grew on Lewis about 27,000 years ago .
8 The interesting feature is the variety of sub-topics and activities arising out of this one unit , offering to pupils a considerable element of choice as well as of imaginative " playing-out " .
9 As far as operational details are concerned perhaps the most interesting feature is the way tour operators are usually part of larger , more diversified , groups .
10 It has the normal tri-apsidal east end but the most interesting feature is the arcaded entrance ( 312 ) .
11 In the staff restaurant , an interesting feature is the cashless Girovend system .
12 Another interesting feature was the refrigeration system for aluminium rivets .
13 A most interesting feature was the employment of Mr D. T. Holmes to visit the Highlands and report on the use made of and the appreciation of the libraries .
14 Internally , the only significant architectural feature was the two-storey entrance hall , and this is to be retained .
15 Among the other crucial features are the complete set of photographs taken by Gauthier in January 1918 at the artist 's studio , when the Durand-Ruel inventory was drawn up .
16 Among the crucial features was the fact that :
17 Additional features are a number-coded locking device , a variable depth feature which allows the briefcase to be expanded from its usual 3½ inches to 5½ inches , individual gilt initialling on each briefcase , an ink-resistant interior compartment for pens , and three pockets inside the lid to take different sized papers/documents .
18 The sheer beauty aside — the course was a purple fire of heather in August — the principal features are a constantly changing tempo and a string of par-4s under 370 yards .
19 One of the castle 's most splendid features is the high twin-towered gatehouse .
20 Tall , white-painted window frames , subdivided by many glazing bars , were placed under segmental arches of red brickwork and the most prominent features were the high gables which gave the buildings a varied and lively skyline .
21 Another very early feature was the use of advertisements .
22 The central feature is a case conference which brings together parents , governors , teachers and other professionals in a joint effort to resolve the problem presented by the case .
23 The Cornmill 's central feature is a giant glazed atrium spanning almost ninety feet and consisting of 258 panes of glass .
24 A central feature is the attempt to elicit the degree of identification of a community .
25 The central feature was an extraordinary cold spell for three weeks in January which destroyed crops and killed so many livestock that it precipitated one of the last great subsistence crises of French history .
26 The Bill 's central feature was the creation of a new right of appeal against a refusal of asylum .
27 The central feature was the Salvation Army Hall where each Sunday a march by most of the senior students with flags flying and drums beating would be followed by worship .
28 A standard feature is the Personal Financial Advisor ( PFA ) , a helpful expert who is available to answer customers ' questions .
29 The crucial feature is the irrecoverable loss by a patient of the ability ever again to sustain his own breathing and heartbeat , as a consequence of the total destruction of a functioning brain-stem .
30 In Lahore , Karachi and other cities in Pakistan , small-scale melas are organised where the principal feature is a dance show performed by hijras .
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