Example sentences of "[adj] economic [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 The other argument for encouraging prolonged economic activity was that it would relieve the financial burden on the Exchequer of the cost of pensions and services to the elderly population .
2 In common with other recipients of Western development aid , Indonesia was concerned at the possible diversion of resources by donors towards Eastern Europe , and the prospect of a strong regional economic organization was therefore attractive .
3 Ever since the end of the second world war , France had endeavoured to absorb the Saar area into their country , but in 1957 , it was returned to the Federal Republic of West Germany , and following the signing of the Treaty of Rome by the original six countries , in March 1957 , the European Economic Council was created and the Federal Republic was allowed to join the E.E.C .
4 But unrealized potential was exploited as well as people and European economic intervention was not always at the expense of the non-European .
5 In broad terms , our membership of the European Economic Community was likely to quicken the pace of technical and economic change in the industry , thereby causing a further contraction of the labour force and a further substitution of capital for labour , though at a slower rate than in the previous decade .
6 Twenty years ago , the European Economic Community was the Six .
7 European economic integration was widely expected to bring enormous benefits since an extensive single trading area ( such as existed in America ) might allow larger-scale industrial production and greater efficiency .
8 In January 1950 Averell Harriman , a man whose international experience distinguished him from many of the more parochial critics , protested that the British chancellor of the exchequer 's narrow economic vision was sabotaging Western European integration .
9 Those who wanted to know afterwards why British economic recovery was so poor by comparison with that of Germany and Japan in those years need have looked no further .
10 By the end of the 1980s central economic planning was in retreat , even in its heartland .
11 As a result of the visit a joint economic committee was established to reschedule Uganda 's US$60,000,000 debt to India and to encourage bilateral trade .
12 A joint economic commission was established to build on the growing links between the two countries .
13 In future economic efficiency was likely to assume as much importance as the technical side .
14 Japanese economic competition was feared , although the anxiety was based more on memories of competition in the 1930s than the new competition that developed so vigorously in the 1960s .
15 The overall economic picture was more gloomy than that set out by the government in November when it first put forward measures aimed at reversing the country 's economic decline [ see pp. 38587-88 ] and what it called the mismanagement by the previous Social Democratic administration .
16 The Donoghue v. Stevenson duty of care had been extended to situations where pure economic loss was recoverable .
17 A similar economic explanation was offered for the rise of the ‘ house of correction ’ ( the forerunner of the modern prison ) from the end of the sixteenth century on .
18 We looked in vain in Siemens AG 's first half report on Monday for any mention of its Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG computer subsidiary , and with all the dreadful economic news coming out of Germany , it began to assume the air of the dog that did n't bark : Siemens said of its overall business that it did not show any revival in the first half , and that continued economic decline affected domestic business and led to a decline in incoming orders , and there was no recovery in its foreign business ; laying it on with a trowel , Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's leading economic advisor was quoted on Tuesday as saying that German workers failed to recognise the danger of high wages in a time of recession , and that German products were too expensive for world markets as wage increases outpaced growth in productivity , and earlier , Siemens Nixdorf had had to rebut a magazine report that its losses would be even worse this year , saying that it was certain that its results would improve this fiscal year ; the article , in Manager Magazin , also said that Siemens was looking for a replacement for Siemens Nixdorf management board chairman Hans-Dieter Wiedig , and added that plans to reduce the workforce to 41,000 by 1995 from 47,200 at the end of February could well be accelerated .
19 Moreover , it is not without point that national economic consensus was at its strongest in the late 1950s under the premiership of Harold Macmillan .
20 Economic growth as an objective of national economic policy was a natural part therefore of a liberal view of the world .
21 Initially after 1823 progress to the proper moral and natural economic order was seen as a gradual , almost automatic business which avoided irreconcilable conflicts .
22 Government concern over Japan 's current economic downturn was highlighted on Oct. 1-4 by four nights of rioting in Nishinari Airin , a slum district of Osaka , involving up to 30,000 unskilled labourers .
23 For most Americans on the home front , the result of this increased economic activity was a higher standard of living .
24 THE station 's prime economic function was as a reception and distribution point for goods of all kinds .
25 Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori claimed that " millions of dollars " had been wasted , and that efforts by the US Drug Enforcement Agency to eradicate coca crops in Peru had violated civil rights and been counterproductive , particularly when no alternative economic activity was available .
26 When , in desperation , one tried to recall what exactly Labour 's alternative economic strategy was , all one could remember was ‘ training ’ .
27 As for the rulers of conservative , anti-bourgeois and anti-liberal regimes in Europe , whether in Vienna , Berlin or St Petersburg , they recognised , however reluctantly , that the alternative to capitalist economic development was backwardness , and consequent weakness .
28 But Russia 's ability to accept capitalist economic aid was always in doubt and Molotov walked out of the Paris talks on 2 July , complaining that the Marshall Plan would lead to Germany 's industrial revival and infringe the economic independence of European States , which would become US puppets .
29 So the role of railways in the late nineteenth-century economic order was decried .
30 Moreover , the ‘ transition to democracy ’ has occurred at exactly the time when the international economic crisis was making its presence felt with greatest intensity .
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