Example sentences of "[adj] idea that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it 's an enormous resource in terms of talented people , facilities , interesting ideas that we use as a bank to fuel other parts of the region which are less active .
2 I had some dim idea that I should see what sort of creatures these whores were , so that I might find out what I was .
3 Most will have a dim idea that it 's something to do with conservation and looking after nature .
4 So he has an interesting idea that we can set up democratic procedures to protect the minority within those procedures so that tyranny of the majority is something that afflicts only certain types of democracies , but if we have other types of democracies then we can protect the minority and the idea for proportional representation is often claimed in this light , but actually it does n't work as an idea , because although it allows a minority to be represented , represented is a different from being protected and so even if there 's a member of parliament with the one member of parliament with your unpopular views , that does n't mean that your unpopular views wo n't be made illegal say , because the fact that there 's one member of parliament wo n't mean that
5 This process abandons the old idea that it is necessary to start with a two-carbon feedstock to make the two-carbon acetic acid .
6 I paused before replying to her , because if you pause before replying to people it gives them the foolish idea that you 've actually listened to what they 've said , and I said of course darling .
7 Whether he was secretly glad to have her back , and perhaps even had some foolish idea that she might be back to stay , I ca n't say .
8 This conclusion was the result of misinterpretation of data , presumably prompted by the scientists ' preconceived idea that they were on to something very important .
9 It 's the ‘ turn ’ of a particular hotel or city , or they choose it because they have a vague idea that it might be rather nice to go to Torquay next year , or even — worst of all — because ‘ We 've always had it there' !
10 Well there 's a whole range of kind of wacky ideas that we 'll be working on .
11 And he says he has acquired some skill in communicating technical ideas that he uses in presentations for Lucas .
12 From the basic idea that we had some very surprising product benefits grew the comic device used in the commercials of people being so surprised they fall of their seats .
13 The weight-conscious so often choose the most fattening dishes on the menu , in the mistaken idea that they were being virtuous .
14 Whatever I said , any public discussion left people ( including , I feared , our own staff ) with a confused idea that it was really all a matter of who slept with whom .
15 You know it 's a naive idea that you put the camera in the classroom and you get a real picture of a real lesson and you could then talk about it .
16 Alright , if you tell them erm , that 's where it came from , there are copies in the library , it might be a good idea that they have a look at it .
17 So and , and I think maybe it 's a good idea that we write and say that we would like to be given an opportunity to speak to them .
18 Er , and I think it 's a good idea that you , if you want to have a look at these photographs , look at them , if you 're squeamish at all , do n't look at them .
19 Good idea that you know , .
20 It was such a good idea that she could n't think anything for a moment-as if someone else had suggested it to her , and she needed to digest it .
21 But again , schooled by the incorrect idea that it is the carbohydrate foods which are the most fattening , many people will very much underestimate the number of calories in the butter-based sauce on their slice of fish , which looks like such an innocent dish .
22 Entrants had to pick one of the four sections and develop their design from the abstract ideas that they found there .
23 In fact , she had a disturbing idea that he might very well hit her back .
24 I suppose the very idea that they have spacecraft and can zoom about all over the Galaxy at warp seven , leads us to assume that they must be .
25 The very idea that we should leave our parental home establishes the fact that this is a new and totally autonomous family unit .
26 This is an important idea that you should make sure that you understand .
27 Implicit in the name is the ridiculous idea that you can only have fun on a funboard .
28 The only small idea that I have and I do n't think it 's particularly practical is for a sort of oscilloscope triggering mechanism often , which is in fact one you get in logic analysers anyway .
29 From where she stood , Melissa could see them only in profile , but she had a shrewd idea that they were holding hands and that Dora 's apparent indifference to their presence was concealing a mounting irritation .
30 You 've got this superior idea that I 'm some sort of half-wit from the back of beyond who has n't the vaguest notion of what happens in the big , bad world .
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