Example sentences of "[adj] level of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If suppliers know not only the current price in their own market but also the current price in all other markets the aggregate level of output will be independent of the average level of prices .
2 So the aggregate level of output will be above its natural level if the average price level is above the economy-wide expectation of it , below it if the average price level is below the economy-wide expectation of it , and equal to its natural level if the average level of prices equals the economy-wide expectation of it .
3 If this expectation is correct and the average price level is P then , of course , the aggregate level of output will equal its natural level — that is why this line cuts the vertical line from y n at P .
4 Therefore , if the shift in the aggregate demand curve from AD to AD 1 is predictable on the available information relating to the process determining aggregate demand , the expected price level will be P 2 , the relevant aggregate supply curve will be the one labelled SS 1 and the upward shift in the aggregate demand curve will have no effect on the aggregate level of output .
5 That is , the aggregate level of welfare in society is given by a welfare function whose arguments are the cardinal utility of income functions .
6 As with the formal McCallum model above , the level of employment for both groups of workers is determined by the demand for labour , so the aggregate level of employment is given by since w t ( the aggregate wage ) is defined as .
7 This division is intended only to simplify the analysis and should not be taken to imply that the aggregate level of unemployment in a country can readily be divided into completely separate and distinguishable categories .
8 It has limited aspirations and a humiliating level of reimbursement .
9 Following transfection of BHK-21 cells which contain only Oct-1 , the HPV 16 motif directed only a relatively weak level of gene activity whereas the HPV 6 motif was considerably more active ( Figure 5 ) .
10 In his later writings , it is argued , Marx reveals far more concern for the political level of society and the freedom for human beings to act independently of the laws of motion of capitalism as a system of economic production .
11 . Because he 's talking , he 's he 's talking to er er a fairly high er political level of understanding
12 The Chairman 's statement went on to say ‘ The Group 's policy of major investment in design leadership , quality manufacture and an outstanding level of customer service , has produced commensurate rewards in the year to 31st March 1990 .
13 The new AB TGI for 1991 has revealed that the Sunday Express has an outstanding level of coverage of AB Adults with sizeable amounts of savings and investments .
14 She said : ‘ Experience elsewhere has shown that people with head injuries need a concentrated level of service in the early stages .
15 The ICAEW has developed a modified level of protection suitable for investment business carried out in the course of corporate finance activities for a corporate finance client .
16 Then each instruction at the normal level of machine code ( such as " store accumulator " ) is implemented as a sequence or microprogram of such primitive operations or micro-instructions ; the more complex instructions of course require looping and conditional jumping in the microprogram , just as in conventional programming .
17 And their arousal is so intense that if the owl finally departs they will still go on mobbing for a long while afterwards , as though they can not calm down to a normal level of activity until some considerable time has passed .
18 The object is fully to recover estimated overheads at a normal level of activity measured by the total productive capacity of the firm .
19 The cost of an item shall be its cost of material ( excluding VAT ) on a First In First Out ( ‘ FIFO ’ ) basis plus attributable direct labour plus an amount to cover an appropriate proportion of related production overhead expenses , based on the normal level of activity .
20 It happens that Mr X 's preferred language is French , but even in that tongue he could not write or spell with any normal level of competence and his grammar was almost non-existent .
21 The use of B avoids the problem of estimating the normal level of government expenditure which , ADD argue , Barro handles inconsistently since he assumes that agents form their expectations about normal government expenditure using an adaptive expectations mechanism , while assuming that agents form their expectations rationally elsewhere in the system .
22 The manager knows that the normal level of spending would leave the budget underspent and that this underspending will have to be forfeited with a possible consequent reduction in next year 's budget .
23 In England Sheila Brayford from Staffordshire died from brain damage in 1981 when she absorbed about 100 times the normal level of aluminium in dialysis .
24 French holidaymakers in the area at the time of the accident still had up to four times the normal level of aluminium in their bodies almost two years later .
25 This is the ‘ region ’ for which extensive social and economic trend information is available and it has a practical reality as the area of responsibility of the Northern Regional Health Authority and as the regional level of organization of central state departments .
26 Alternatively , programmed decisions can be entrusted to a fairly junior level of management .
27 Sturge chairman David Coleridge said : ‘ Wise Speke 's performance in the first half year suffered from the depressed level of activity in the Stock Market as a result of political and economic uncertainty prior to the General Election .
28 It was in these areas that the depressed level of grain prices caused most hardship .
29 Unless this attention is given , practitioners will be unwittingly reinforcing the widespread depressed level of desire found in elderly clients .
30 What aggravated the problem of developing a genuine bureaucracy was the paltry level of salaries .
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