Example sentences of "[adj] about the idea " in BNC.

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1 Some people get very upset about the idea that there might be any causes operating in the social world ; they fear that causal influences on human action rob people of their freedom of choice and dignity of action .
2 One of the referees was sufficiently negative about the proposal that Fleischmann , at least , was nervous about the idea .
3 The agency is dubious about the idea .
4 There was something most unpleasing and incongruous about the idea of Beuno shackled to a wife .
5 MOST voters expect a hung Parliament after Thursday but half are unhappy about the idea , according to Gallup 's final pre-election survey for The Sunday Telegraph .
6 There was to her something romantic about the idea of sitting with him in the place where she had so often sat alone , eating a poached egg or macaroni cheese at a shaky little oak table .
7 Few people are happy about the idea of an animal having to die so that either they or their pet can feed , and might well be prepared to eat a synthetic steak if one could be produced — and to serve it up to their cat .
8 She did not feel that she could tell McAllister that Mrs Darrell had designs on Dr Neil , and that she , Matey , was not very happy about the idea that Mrs Darrell might become Mrs Cochrane .
9 Branson realised the difficulty of trying to influence a Tory minister , whom he suspected was fairly sceptical about the idea of government interference at all .
10 Loretta could not decide whether he was genuinely unenthusiastic about the idea , or whether it was the alienating effect of his upper middle-class accent .
11 Paul knew the Lake District well from his mountaineering days at university , so he was enthusiastic about the idea of living there .
12 Rather dubiously I put it to the Chairman and I was relieved to find that he was quite enthusiastic about the idea .
13 Although he did not reject a fact-finding mission outright , Major was clearly less than enthusiastic about the idea .
14 ‘ I 'm not crazy about the idea , but I guess it 's better to be remembered for something !
15 what kind of things do you want to have audio described , so there are , I mean there 's still quite a bit , but she got quite excited about the idea of involving one of the proper , well not proper , one of the , you know , official professional market research firms , as well in terms of doing this work , maybe , maybe getting money from the Arts Council to actually pay them
16 That 's when I started to get excited about the idea , I wanted to get away from here .
17 Attlee was ecstatic about the idea of his viceroy staying on , perceiving it as ‘ a great boost for Britain and for the Commonwealth ’ , a sentiment shared by the now fully evolved Commonwealth statesman — he had been perhaps the first to see the possibilities of the role — General Smuts : ‘ This does not look like quitting ’ , he cabled to Attlee on hearing the news .
18 There was indeed something bizarre about the idea that protection was the way to unite the Conservative Party .
19 He was gleeful about the idea of a Faber ‘ Vaudeville ’ production in 1929 where he starred as a baritone singing Bolovian Ballads and a song about a blue baboon .
20 Mr Rifkind is lukewarm about the idea .
21 In the next Conservative government , Edward Heath was so lukewarm about the idea that between 1970 and 1973 only nine political knighthoods were awarded , provoking complaints of knight starvation .
22 There was nothing novel about the idea , but that alongside with liaison meetings of all the groups and the Union around specific issues , helped to strengthen links between us all .
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