Example sentences of "[adj] on the basis " in BNC.

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1 Put another way , in so far as companies have power , is not that power justifiable on the basis that those who exercise it can claim a moral right to do so ?
2 No well what we said is we 're gon gon na scrap Saturdays unless we s consider it to be critical and unavoidable on the basis that , if they , they can work Saturdays if they 'd rather work Saturdays than in the week , but that 's their choice not ours
3 While it is true that a sensitive adult will respond intuitively to a child 's language and make numerous adjustments to his or her own language in a way that will reflect the child 's strengths and weaknesses , it may nevertheless be helpful to make these explicit in a written assessment so that intuitions can be further re fined on the basis of objective information .
4 It is thus clear on the basis of all these authorities that at the present time universities can create a jurisdiction for the visitor which excludes the concurrent and appellate jurisdiction of the courts .
5 These findings suggest that , at the time of the act , helping agencies were regarded as irrelevant to what the person wanted to achieve , or unhelpful on the basis of previous experience of them .
6 They can be dis distinguished on the basis of their single channel conductance with respect to barium , which they pass barium a al as well as they pass calcium .
7 They can be distinguished on the basis of their sensitivity to catecholamines , like adrenaline .
8 And they can also be distinguished on the basis of their sensitivity to another toxin , known as omega conortoxin , er which more or less specifically inhibits just one class of channel .
9 We do advise against duvets for babies under one year old on the basis that , although good at insulating , duvets can cause overheating .
10 On the other hand , he argues that knowledge of ‘ inner natures or necessary causes ’ is not attainable on the basis of sense-experience either .
11 Therefore , I would be grateful if you could let me have quotes for the following on the basis of 200 , 300 and 500 copies :
12 When an employee 's relocation is the result of a promotion or when an employee receives an increase in salary at the new location , any disturbance allowance payable on the basis of a percentage of salary is usually calculated on the new salary .
13 For one thing , all knowledge is explicable on the basis of the abilities we have to find it for ourselves .
14 The distinction is explicable on the basis that directorship has not been regarded by the courts as a profession , and hence a director is not expected to satisfy a higher standard , for example that of the reasonably competent business manager , simply by virtue of holding office .
15 This seems to be inconsistent with the proposition that a higher standard applies where the director possesses relevant skills , but is presumably explicable on the basis that the higher standard relates only to distinct forms of professional expertise , such as that of the actuary or the physician referred to by Romer J , and not where the experience or expertise that the director has acquired is that of a business manager .
16 This echoes the general case made by Rychner for variation between closely related fabliau texts to be explicable on the basis of different intended audiences , although van den Boogard actually contradicted Rychner 's specific findings on the Anglo-Norman fabliaux , which Rychner found to represent only the common degeneration typical of " " transmission memorielle " " .
17 However , at the last minute the selectors have restored Little to inside centre and picked Fox and Steve Bachop as the fly-halves , very likely on the basis they are much more accurate punters than Little .
18 Erm although we we have n't really really discussed this , I suspect that given the the scale of development proposed in in Selby District , it 's it 's quite likely on the basis of what I 've heard from Mr , that Leeds are going to raise objections to development on on the western side of Selby District generally because that that area is just as close to Leeds .
19 The conclusion that the speeches largely appealed to long-standing victims of the ‘ Führer myth ’ also seems justified on the basis of an examination of the more nuanced reports from local SD agencies , which , while generally positive , provide a somewhat more varied picture of reactions .
20 Those against the doctrine argue that it is unfair on the basis that the landlord has accepted the new tenant and therefore should release the old .
21 Assuming the job was cost effective on the basis of the original programme , any delay or commitment to extra work in the surveyor 's office could lead to the erosion of the job profit unless a significant increase in the fee datum occurs , i.e. the final account exceeds the contract sum .
22 What is for sure on the basis of a judgment made in nineteen sixty-eight when my Noble friend Lord Callaghan of Cardiff er was Home Secretary , it was made quite clear that no Minister of the Crown can tell a Chief Constable , can tell him he must or mee no or must not keep observation on this place or that .
23 This tends to happen when a project is post-audited on the basis of its profit contribution rather than its cash flow performance .
24 The Namurian , Millstone Grit sediments have not been penetrated in any well in the area but are assumed to be present on the basis of the stratigraphic relationships deduced from seismic data .
25 Nevertheless , in a " matched guise " test which I administered to a class of fourteen to fifteen year-old adolescents in the speaker 's own home area , seven out of eleven black pupils judged her to be black on the basis of an extract from the story above ( see Chapter 4 for a discussion ) .
26 In its latter aspect the theory can be seen as a formalization , in associative terms , of the very reasonable suggestion that a stimulus is likely to receive a full measure of processing only when its occurrence is unexpected ( i.e. not predictable on the basis of other , usually contextual , cues ) .
27 Being part of the natural world and a proper object of scientific study , X is predictable on the basis of X 's preferences and information , which are in turn the result of X 's nature and nurture .
28 The first , and weaker test , would exploit one of the central predictions of the rational expectations hypothesis which we explained in chapter 2 : that forecast errors arise from the inherent unpredictability or stochastic nature of the variable and should exhibit no pattern ; that is , they should not be predictable on the basis of any information available at the time the forecast is made ; and the forecast errors should , on average , be zero .
29 From this point of view the relevant question to ask about the shift of the aggregate demand curve in figure 4.4 from AD to AD 1 is : Was it predictable on the basis of the available information relating to the process determining aggregate demand ?
30 The childhood supplement does not provide detailed information about the economic or household characteristics of the 61445 children classified as unoccupied on the basis of information from a 10% sample of the 1981 census .
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