Example sentences of "[adj] in the corner " in BNC.

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1 The TV high in the corner was tuned to KWEX and the Spanish commentator was getting as frantic as the fighters .
2 Kelly sitting hunched in the corner of our vast mattress , with burn holes in our beautiful sheets and an overflowing ashtray beside her , looking into one of the half-dozen cigarette packets and suddenly screaming , ‘ You fucking bitch , you 've finished the goddam bloody cigarettes . ’
3 The danger of approaching whole group work by letting children first improvise in small groups and then presenting them with an issue which you hope will give them a focus is that they remain more interested in what 's going on in their group than in the supposedly unifying issue : " Why should I be interested in the corner shop being knocked down when I never use it , and anyway we 've just been burgled ? ! "
4 Cuckoo-pint in the corner near the road has increased — eight specimens this year .
5 She glanced from one end of the kitchen to the other , noting the sparkling sink without a cup or plate in sight , and the gleaming table top , then the freshly scrubbed floor that was still damp in the corners ; the coconut matting beneath her feet bristled from its merciless thrashing .
6 A big , stone-flagged kitchen , shadowy in the corners but bright near the fire .
7 Are you okay in the corner Karen , enjoying the smells ?
8 The large body , relaxed and at ease , did n't look at all incongruous crouched in the corner .
9 He bought it off the town dump ! so new fridge- freezer in the cu which is now free-standing in the corner bought it from Doug
10 Another lies peacefully asleep in the corner .
11 Oliver sat alone in the corner , eating old bits of bread .
12 He stood alone in the corner of the yard feeling more than a little stupid as he stamped up and down to keep warm .
13 Lawton had just appeared in what looked like an operating theatre , standing motionless in the corner as though an actual operation was in progress and he was an unwelcome intruder .
14 Dead in the corner of the library . ’
15 She had the paint , two cans , in scarlet and black , ready in the corner of the hall .
16 She glared at them , and at Luch silent in the corner .
17 That cocktail bar looks alright in the corner over there .
18 It was so dodgy though cos all the black kids you know and they were going no man you 're alright in the corner like being left alone
19 ‘ Police state , he calls it , ’ said Nanna Epstein with a nod in Grandad 's direction , very quiet in the corner , ‘ and they ca n't find a dwarf in a horse and cart — you 're not safe in your beds . ’
20 One moment she was quiet in the corner of the cage and the next she was flying across to the front corner of her cage , frantic with some purpose the bars and wire mesh would never allow her to achieve .
21 Carolyn appeared to be staring at something horrible in the corner .
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