Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] period the " in BNC.

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1 In general , there is no doubt that through the entire post-war period the readership of the national press reflected divisions of social class and education more distinctly than anything else — age , gender , religion , political attitude and so on .
2 To many scholars of the early Anglo-Saxon period the study of artefacts with a view to placing them into dated sequences is archaeology and is accompanied by little or no questioning of the basis of the method .
3 Throughout the early Anglo-Saxon period the basis of the economy was the land and what it produced , and the efforts of those who farmed it .
4 During the late Preclassic/early Classic period the region may have come under the influence of the Chupcuaro , who occupied agricultural and craft centres with small pyramids .
5 In the immediate post-war period the problems created by the Russian Revolution , the emergence of a socialist Labour party as the major opposition party in Britain , and the extension of the franchise in 1918 to reward the working class and women for their role in the war , frightened some elements among the middle classes .
6 The Shamir government was commended for this by Western leaders , and some commentators speculated that in the immediate post-war period the USA would reward Israel by refraining from putting on pressure over the Palestinian issue .
7 In the immediate postwar period the Labour Party , strengthened by more efficient constituency organisation , a new constitution and programme , and a confident trade union movement , was able to mobilise this heightened working-class consciousness among an enlarged electorate .
8 In the immediate postwar period the Labour Party experienced rapid ascent to a position of unchallenged authority which has to the present never been relinquished .
9 Although in the immediate post-Restoration period the religious climate proved uncongenial to such ideas , by the later decades of the seventeenth century churchmen schooled in this tradition began to gain some real influence within established Anglican circles .
10 Should these general measures fail after a minimum three-month period the drug of first choice is probably a cardioselective β-blocking agent such as atenolol or metoprolol or alternatively a calcium antagonist such as nifedepine .
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