Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] i shall " in BNC.

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1 If I buy any more bloody milk I shall go bonkers !
2 The aforesaid captain I shall endeavour to keep beside me as my bondsman ; hobbled , and under my eye , he can not do me injury .
3 For both a practical and a theoretical reason I shall concentrate on describing those influences in terms of just four varieties : Standard British English , London English ( henceforth LE ) , Jamaican Standard English and Jamaican Creole ( henceforth JC ) , with emphasis on just two of these , LE and JC .
4 In this concluding section I shall try to pull together the preceding discussions of the theory , practice , and policy relating to tacit collusion .
5 In lieu of an official response I shall be pleased to enlighten him .
6 For if I should wish to love you and no other except for my wedded husband I shall not fail to tell you . " )
7 It will now be useful to consider the other side of the issue , and in the following section I shall examine the changes in the division of labour and social collectivities which help to explain the general weakening of ‘ class'-party associations .
8 In the following section I shall show that planned reformulations can be justified in terms of style .
9 A lengthy discussion of this issue is beyond the scope of this work but given its importance in relation to the socialist project I shall make some comments .
10 I would say it was reasonable , since under our current agreement I shall be totally cancelling out your debt , that you contract to remain in my employ for three years . ’
11 I know what that man owes to Harry , and what to me , and I have kept the account , and in good time I shall take what is due .
12 I was — why should I be modest — undoubtedly the most beautiful , the most renowned , the most desirable woman with whom he ever slept ( if I had any rival , it was only a strange beast I shall tell you of later ) .
13 ‘ It is now clearly ascertained that the present chartered body will not accept the terms which is understood have been proposed to them and for the information of the Governors of the Royal Veterinary College I shall feel much obliged by your informing me whether or not a Charter will be granted to them . ’
14 ‘ And the moment I feel you need proper psychiatric help I shall enlist it for you , believe me .
15 In attempting to apply this reasoning to British general practice I shall use some of the field-data collected by Jim McIntosh and myself ( Horobin and McIntosh 1977 ) but I shall also be trying to apply a sociological perspective to the mundane background knowledge which we all possess as societal members .
16 It 's the only chance I shall have to talk to you . ’
17 And so the only communication I shall have with him is by letter , but er it 's the third of
18 ‘ One day , if I write my memoirs — the only thing I shall write well , if ever I put myself to the task of doing it — you will find a place in them , and what a place !
19 I was a guest of honour ( ! ) at the Annual Conference Dinner at Torquay , along with , Editor of Private Eye ( and at a guess , it is the only time I shall sit down to dinner with him ! ) .
20 Now that 's the only time I shall have that .
21 I knew we were winning the real battle — a permanent cure — after one particular moment I shall never forget .
22 In this very difficult handicap I shall stay with Imperial Brush .
23 For the purpose of statistical analysis I shall use the three geographical divisions discussed in the first chapter .
24 If I allow myself to move one single muscle I shall walk across that floor and tear him apart .
25 If I get one more letter , one more wheedling phone call , one more black-mailing , whinging final demand I shall — I shall utter a twelve sentence expletive and tell the poor , beleaguered sod exactly where to stuff his appeal form .
26 By ‘ political force ’ on the other hand I shall mean specifically political parties and movements , or tendencies within these , with explicitly shared objectives .
27 If I ca n't get the information I want any other way I shall ask the fraud squad to make inquiries .
28 And of course , after New Year I shall be commuting up to London every day . ’
29 In view of the importance of this work for modern literary theory I shall deal with it in some detail in the pages that follow .
30 I can bring it in next week and play it really loud to the whole class I shall say this is Sarah and Dee where 's Tina Turner then .
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